Lucky Gravy Bag Big Boy Fun
Lucky Gravy Bag Big Boy Fun
Limits. 1 Big Boy Fun + 3 Regular Fun per household please and thank you.
Big Boy Fun- Which will include a Jumbo Morel, 1 regular size figure, 1 two piece figure, and Fingy for a total of 4 figures.
I’ll still be working every day through the next week at least. So I would expect these to satrt showing up on door steps about two weeks after this Release here.
Inside bags will/could be Terry, Hooligan, Trashcan, Morel Snacks, Globby, Randall, Lonny, Toby, Leeroy, Gilly, Trina, and more. There are painted runs, mini runs, blanks, and even a few one offs. Two pieces will be any of the chonks, Papa Marfa, Cars n Tanks, Baby Trashcan, and other assorted weirdos... probably a few Safety Gooch. Fun. Fingies include Banorah, TJ, Yott, Oscar, and more.