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Portland, OR

Gravy Logs

Cop A Squat at Brodarrfest U.S.

bwana spoons

Cop A Squat toys has done two awesome paintings for the Brodarrfest show.

Do you know Copasquat Toys? Copasquat is an artist based out of North Carolina. He's a top doggy Silk screener and artist. And if you are following the sofubi toy scene you may recognize or better yet, have one of his Semi Kerosia toys. I know he has something else up his sleeve now too.

Brodarrfest U.S. at FOE this June

bwana spoons

Nearly 30 artists from around the U.S. and one Canadian, and an Aussie do their take on the Suns Of Brodarr. It's so exciting to see the first images come in, and when some of us get to see them in person. I think, at least my mind will have melt marks. A few of the artists involved are even taking a Brodarr and making their own 3-D vision of them.

I am working on some customs, a few diarama bits for the next episode, and there will be an exclusive Drizzleshits at the show.

Hope to see you there East Coast.

Lonny's Army Cyborg Stardust

bwana spoons

Some of you may already know this about me. I live and breathe character design. Lately almost every morning I wake up obsessing about Suns Of Bordarr. Where can I take this? What can I do with it? And the big question sometimes... which character to make next into sofubi?

That last question is always rattling around in my brain. So many Characters I want to bring to life in vinyl form. I go back and forth about it on a daily basis. I did have an aha moment at the beginning of this week though. One last push for SDCC, and I knew what it would be.

SO I started sculpting and wondering if I could pull it off. At first no, but I kept widdling away at these forms and it really started to take some good shapes. Now I think I am on the home stretch with the sculpt, and I am shooting to send it off to Japan by mid next week. No idea if we can get this done in time for SDCC, always closer than I think. But I'll do my best to make it happen.

My vision. Almost everytime a Sun of Brodarr looses a limb in battle or dumbfuckery. It grows back. But the old limb/appendage just turns into deadmeat. Well, Lonny started collecting these "parts" and preserving them. Now he is hard at work in his laboratory plotting and scheming how to bring them back.

Linework NW

bwana spoons

What should I do with my saturday and or sunday this weekend in Portland? Get yer buns to Linework N This is a curated festival of illustrators and comickers from lands near and far. I'll be moderating a panel with this young lady, Jay Howell. Sitting in on another panel about peoples who love multiple surfaces and platforms to play on, and hanging out both days with a load of goods for sale at my table 30B. Today John Black will be hanging with me and his own pile of goodies, and we will be right next to one of my favorite peoples Martin Ontiveros who is only at Linework on Saturday.
But there won't be food to sustain me while I am filling my bags with rad art and comics!? Sizzle Pie, beerthirty, 50 licks ice cream, and Ken Jong Grill's cart (sorry if I mixed that up.) will all be there too.
Get ready to have your eyeballs burned this weekend.

Sale this weekend

bwana spoons

Tell your french neighbors it's time to have some fun. Discount taken after purchase. Or email me and we can work it out via paypal discount already included.

Gravy Toys Giveaway

bwana spoons

Heyoooo. This is the final push for this recent batch of new Gravy Toys sculpts. There is a pre-order up now for Paulo the Moonlight Kreeper. Get your pre-order in this week and you will be entered to win this Drizzleshits and Eyebora Custom set. Number one. This really is number one. The very first Pull. Got him in the mail and stared at him for a few days. I could no longer resist the urge to paint Drizzz up and bring him to life. And now... one of you will own him. A chance for your gravy toys collection to be even more rare than my own.

Skinner Mystery Figure is Unlocked

bwana spoons

Which one will we pick. Pre-order the mystery figure and pick the one we end up making and you'll have a chance of winning your very own skinner testshot!

Top left- thurburr half way in this world halfway in the other.. He stared at the sun for way too long and has to wear bug glasses now.. He can still pop a wheelie like a sonofabitch but he has the troubles landing it.


Top right- aquarion the tripped out freedom rider from the senses shattering blagnaxx system.. Some believe his loyalty to the gang could be due to the fact that he may be partially dog.. Like a sharpeii that sticks it's tongue out all the time.. Or maybe he just wants some acid?


Middle left- Aqualox- super grumpy dick, natural leader. Has a hard time breathing on earth but can swim like a fish frog in space. Always complaining. Can work on motorcycles well but hates them. Always wanted to be president of the antiquated realm of confusing jargon.


Middle right- poppa trippz- no one can understand a goddamn word he is talking about but is revered for his wisdom.. Too many space festivals but is a great body guard for intergalactic rock stars.. Does some dirty work but can justify it with a string of non sequitur hippie malarkey about the balance of the universe.


Bottom left- TEEN FUZZ- totally young and trying to earn his stripes through battles and cycle rides, this guy is eager to rip a hole in the space time continuum! Gets picked on but turns all that inward and lays little patches of angst ridden frustration. Can always be counted on which is I characteristic of a teen anything.


Bottom right- HAWT HED- totally insane from ripping wheelies and smashing bottles of cosmic brew! Also maybe because he has LAVA IN HIS HEAD! Yeah his head is a volcano and when he's riding high watch out be cause magma jam blasts like hell out of his nugget! Not a very fun gang member but they keep him around so they can watch lava blast out of his head. It's so cool!