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Portland, OR

Gravy Logs

Edo is coming!

bwana spoons

here’s the full monty of the test shot pulled yesterday. These pics were taken at the factory. So I do not yet have him in hand. I think this is Skulls color, but there’s actually going to be a few colors pulled so I’m not sure.

looks like he has great balance… I needed him to lean forward a bit so that big shell didn’t tip him backward on that tail, or at least that was/is the plan. So stoked about this doofy dweeb

Morel Snacks DX release friday December 20th

bwana spoons

Next friday I’ll be doing a little something special. It’s been YEARS since I did any type of boxed release. So here we go. Red vinyl Morel Snacks with sprays and handpaints. in a lil aligator box and Snacks slip cover, and data card.

I’ll also be doing a Leeroy, and a Toby release at the same time. FINALLY with datacards. I’ver been so dang lazy about these data cards. These were originally meant to be a fun substitute for traditional header cards with bags, as although occasionally I’ll use plastic bags from my old stash. I stopped buying and (mostly) using polybags 7, maybe 8 years ago. but I still keep finding more from way back when, better to use them, rather than go to waste. Anywhoo sidetracks aside. I finally made datacards for Toby and leeroy. They are at the printer now.

Hope you all dig this Morel release.

Marbles 1980

bwana spoons

Kinda a lot to unpack here… Marbles. So much fun. Me, the cutest dweeb. If i remember right, a woman who worked for the newspaper thought it was quite charming that me and this other kid were playing this old timey game of marbles. Yes, even waaaay back in 1980, it was considered some weird thing from the past.

Central Valley which is now called Shasta City… a teeny town near the Shasta Dam… just north of Redding. The original home of Skyway tuffs!

Schlitz?!? Back in the day when it was fine to just stand up in the back of the pick up truck and hold onto the roll bars for safety, and a little kid could where a beer hat, and your parents could just take you to Buds Steak house (not a steak house, but a dive bar where old ladies might give you a quarter to play the one video game in the place), to enjoy several drinks while i just hung out. Learned a lot how to be happy all by myself. this is probably how i became sorta good at making up my own stories and characters.

Mark… Each new place we moved to I would usually be lucky enough to make one good friend. We usually thrashed around in some bamboo in the back of my yard, or rode our BMX bikes up in the hills.

My name. My name growing up was James Brandon Stepp. Nobody, not even my parents ever called me James. Bwana was a nickname for me as a young adult by my partner, after an ape in the SF zoo, when we got hitched we changed our last names, and I completely dropped James. So my actual human legal name for 30 years now is Brandon (which I rarely refer to myself as) Bwana Spoons.

Baby Bwana history. JBS becomes BBS.

Oh my Gamjam is so close!!!

bwana spoons

What? Gamjam or Grass Hut Art Market (I think Gamjam is winning the publicity war, but you can tell people either). #gamjam #grasshutartmarket

It's a one day art fair with toys, fine art, ceramics, zine and comics, prints, apparel, glass, and more toys.

Where? Lloyd Mall 2nd floor (street level from the Northside) in the old Ulta make up space. Plus lil' artshow at Grass Hut inside Floating World just a few doors down.

When? Saturday October 5th 11-6pm. It's once a year, but there will be Nathan's Mall Rats in December too.

How much? Entry for Adults is just $2, kids are free. If you want first dibs on certain toy makers, get yourself an RSVP tote.

Money sweet ass money? be prepared to pay in different forms. Everyone has some different way to take funds. Cash is always good, most people will take Venmo, or paypal, lots take cards, just come prepared to pay in different ways. Zelle... what's Zelle? Barter for gems and fancy rocks. Maybe.

Why? See your friends, see and maybe even buy some amazing eyeball melting art IN PERSON not just on our hand computers.

Just two weeks!!!!

bwana spoons

We are Less than two weeks away from Gamjam!!! also known as Grass Hut Art Market thee 3rd

What? It’s the tiny artfair that could. a little less than 40 curated vendors of art, comics, toys, glass, ceramics, zines, apparel, and more toys AND another 40 artists who sent in goods for a special Grass Hut Art Market zone that we call the “Outta Town Crew” Mostly Soft vinyl, but some paintings and other treats too. There is also an art opeing at Grass Hut just a few doors down with Barely Human & Ressinblood. There’s three bigger panel murals by Nathan McKee, Violet Aveline, and Bwana Spoons and a mini panel by Rakugakiator at the Ulta Space, and ZORP will be playing us sounds and showing us visuals all day. FUN!!!

Where? Portland Oregon Lloyd Mall in the old Ulta shop. lloyd is mostly abandoned. Very weird, very awesome.

When? October 5th 11-6pm

How? anyone can come. It’s $2 for adults and Free for kids. Or you can Support the event by purchasing an RSVP tote and toy surprise in the webshoppe here. You would then get first dibs on toys and art from artists around the globe. Mostly Sofubi.

Hope to see you there.

Summer Slime is coming!

bwana spoons

Tickets go on sale today at CB!

What? Summer Slime number 7.

When? Saturday August 3rd.

Where? In the hills of Santa Ana… just kidding. Santa Ana is pretty flat. Exact location given to RSVPers before the event as it is a private space.

Tell me more. Summer Slime started as an alternative and more personal funzone to SDCC in San Diego during comic con. Paul Kaiju had already been doing an event by himself, and sometimes with other artists. I would see him wandering about in San Diego his hometown, and we would say hi to each other. Sometimes he would call be Brian, once he called me Steve… I was just getting to know him. The first year he had his event in oldtown at Gunnzo I stopped by and hung out for a bit… and the next year it was on. Stayed at Paul’s house for the first time. I met Melissa… and then it was just like we were bonded. We would host the even together. I quit even going into SDCC, and we had loads of fun. Along the way we dubbed it Summer slime, and invited Rampage to come play as a permanent fixture as well. When the blip came, Gunnzo had to move, and the space wouldn’t work anymore, and I (I think) had the idea to team up with Creature Bazaar. Now it’s in Santa Ana every year, and our cast of beautiful weirdos continues to slowly grow. This year, officially Draculazer is joining, and officially Blitzkrieg is joining. Along, as always with a few other surprises. We hire some delicious catering for tacotime, and a DJ that spins REALLY good old pop and punk 45’s. It’s a dig dong flarking hoot!

Every year we all go for it. Making loads of one offs, runs, and other fun. Above is a small sampling of what I had last year. This year I’ll have 5 Jumbo Morel One offs, a regular run of Morel Snacks, Gilly, chonks, toby, and more… I already started messing around with some really fun mash ups too.

Hope to see you there. Please feel free if you have questions, or comments about your Summer Slime experiences. Were you at the first 5 and Dime show in the gaslight? What year was that?

Let's Roll

bwana spoons

Just a tiny bit more rolling around this year so far. And… it inspried me to make a new board. I think I probably rode 10 times in the whole of 2023. Albeit very short sessions I think I’ve already done that this year, and it’s barely about to be spring. That’s a pretty good start, and a good feeling too.

The Board on the left was an old Solitaire deck that I shaved down into a travel size board, but I still wanted it to be wide… test rode it a bit, and decided to go a little wider at 9” and that’s the board you’ll see in a month or two. Fun… and i think maybe maybe I can fit it diagonally into my suitcase when I fly.

Here’s the board graphics which will go on various stains.

In the next post I’ll show off the top graphic, and revised shape. The Baby Burro.

Friday The 15th

bwana spoons

Boris The Bee

This Friday 10am pacific. Here. Avocado Jewel Boris, and Forest Frap Globby.

Really nice to follow up the Randall pair with these two gems. Pics of Globby soon.

I’m a little blurry today.

The whole pie or one piece at a time?

bwana spoons

First. Thanks to everyone that rejoined Skulls club for 2024. I’ll be sending the first email before the end of next week.

Now for some other fun. I had snacks with a non toy person last week, and they asked if I sculpted my figures as one solid piece, or as individual pieces. And it had me thinking about it . I used to sculpt, or at least experiment with sculpting everything as one solid sculture, and then cut it apart later. But i found this more hassle than it’s worth. So these days I always sculpt each piece as it’s own section. It just makes way more sense to me.


Shortrun This Saturday in Seattle

bwana spoons

I’m so excited for Shortrun this weekend. I piggybacked off of Zack Soto and Floating world in 2019 and had a blast, but this is the first time in a decade that I have done a comics or zine festival on purpose. Actually applying for a table. A made a new zine that should arrive any moment, and made a tiny new sketchbook too.

Panel from an older comic

Newer peeps might not know that my roots are in zines. I made my first zine in 1991. Ain’t Nothin’ Like Fuckin’ Moonshine. Which I made for the sole purpose of getting more work doing skateboard graphics (Completely unsuccessfully I might add). I had so much fun making it, that it turned into a full bakerz dozen of issues, then I just kept going after that. Fun. But these days I’m pretty busy with making toys and doing paintings and sculptures. I have the desire to make zines and comics, but it’s usually always third on the list on days when I just get to do the first two things. So… this is a delight. It’s actually a tiny work-cation for me. Taking the train, staying in a nice hotel, walk a round a bit, and then sell some books and make some new friends.

New babies this Friday

bwana spoons


Lee Roy

New critters this Friday at 10am. This is Fozzee’s very first release into the wild. Fozzee is the heaviest and most elaborate figure I have done in this scale, and has a total of 7 parts!

Lee Roy is looking fine. check out that big neck gobbler. Did he eat another stack of “Shell on” hard boiled eggs again?

Mini Darin Shuler interview. He's our Special Guest at Gamjam!!

bwana spoons

Darin Shuler’s art is such a treat for my eyeballs and brain. I wanted to get to know him a little better, so I asked him a few questions here. Enjoy, and feel free to comment below.

Bwana- Tell me a childhood story. This can be a snippet, something embarrassing, a challenge you overcame, or something cool you accomplished.

Darin- When I was little I was told that TV commercials came on so they could figure out what would happen next, that bad guys used fake weapons and good guys had real weapons and that’s why good guys always win, and that when TV is boring it’s because the TV batteries are dying. TV was magic and I wanted to make cartoons, but I didn’t know how, so I drew cartoons on paper. It took me a while to realize I was making comics. 

B- Do you have any critters in your life?

D- I have a huge 14 year old grey cat named Castle Greyskull, and a tiny 1 year old black cat named Eddie. 

B- Tell me how Dog & Hat came to be. Did you already have these characters? Did the story come to you in a fever dream?

D- Dog and Hat was going to be a picture book style zine for kids, it was modeled after the Frog & Toad books. I have always made comics about two inseparable friends (Castle & Wood, and Frog Fly, etc.) I got a chance to get the book published by Chronicle books and it kinda changed the whole project. 

B- What is your favorite not drawing related thing to do?

D- Hanging out with the fam, listening to music, watching movies, reading, riding bikes. 

B- What’s your favorite snack?

D- Chips

B- Are you an overachiever or a deadly procrastinator?

D- I used to attach a lot of meaning to being prolific but then I had kids and I was forced to sloooow down-like a lot, nowadays I make stuff when I can and I try not to sweat it. 

B- Thanks so much Darin. Can’t wait to see more of your awesome arts. See you at Gamjam!

Oh FAQ!! Grass Hut Art Market FAQ

bwana spoons

Here’s everything you need to know that I know about Grass Hut Art Market. Please feel free to ask questions and comment below. I’ll add any updates here as well.

Name- Grass Hut Art Market. It’s based off of our old and still existing shop Grass Hut. Justin Scrappers Morrison actually added Art Market several years ago when we were partners here to Grass Hut for some of our projects. I’ve reignited it for this one. We also call it Gamjam!! for short. The two !! being this is year 2.

What is Grass Hut Art market? As of now it’s a yearly festival of character based arts here in Portland Oregon. Vinyl and resin toys, glass, flat art like paintings or weavings, prints, zines, comics, ceramics… pretty much anything that can be a tangible character based creation are things you would find here.

What is it part two- Gamjam!! is a one day festival made up of a 2 toed dinosaur claw (don’t forget the third dewclaw in the back). First is a fantastic pile up of vendors that can be here in person to hawk their wares. Roughly 40ish artists, shops, creators. The second is the “Outta Town Crew”. This is a very special group of artists /sofubi makers that we really wanted to be a part of Gamjam!! … but, can’t be here in person. A curated collection of toys and art for sale made just for this little festival that could. The third toe is a little something special we do outside of the one day festival. This year it’s an amazaballs artshow at Grass Hut the night before. Sorta a pre festy mixer.

When and where- This year Grass Hut Art Market takes place on Saturday October 7th from 11am - 6pm inside Lloyd center (The mall!) on the second floor. If you enter from the backside ground level parking lot on the NE side at the Marshall’s entrance then you are already on the second floor, and Gamjam! is right there when you enter the building. The artshow will take place Friday from 4-7pm at Grass hut inside Floating World comics. also on the second floor but a little closer to the middle. Best entrance will still be the one above:)

More where- Beware. You are entering a nearly abandoned mall. That Marshalls, it ain’t there, neither is Sears, Nordstrom ,Target, The old Movie Theater, or 90% of anything else. You will find an ice skating rink, a gaming shop, some weird shit left over from the heyday of LLoyd Mall, a rad tattoo shop, a Lego store, Bubble tea, pretzels, and us.

Why? We stare at our phones all day, sometimes at lenth of artists feeds with toys and goodies we like. Come see these gems in person with your own eyeballs. Meet some of the artists you dig. Build this community, and get new eyeballs on some of this magic. Nothing beats actual real human contact. Make a new friend.

RSVP and Outta town crew- RSVP’s will get first crack at outta town crew goods on Saturday. RSVP’s come pick up your tote and goods the evening before at the artshow… which coincidentally has some of the outta town crew in it. Art show sales will be first come first serve for everyone at the opening 4-7pm. Friday October 6th. There will be some very simple buying rules on Saturday for RSVP’s. They will be very simple and easy to navigate. The only way that it would NOT be easy and simple to navigate is if you are being greedy :) We are still working out the finer details of said rules :)

Vendors and vending- We have so many awesome vendors that will be present here. Come see the wonders. We do have a bit more space if you want to vend. But this is a curated event, so your work needs to be a good fit for this beautiful and dorky thing we are doing.

Volunteers- Yes we need them. People at the door, to direct and help vendors, and help with set up and break down. We need humans to flyer. We need people persons. just holler.

Admission- All are welcome. The cost to get in is $2. And if you like, a donation to Rehab’s Sisters. Kids under 12 are free. Bring cash for the door. We won’t have a card reader at the door. Vendors will all have different forms of accepted payments. So just be prepared for any and all types of fun, and always. Bring some cash. if networks go down, then you will be covered. Rehab’s Sisters is a non profit that works with the houseless community providing meals, hygiene supplies, and other forms of need.

Masks- Masks are encouraged but not mantidory at this time. Just please be respectful to your neighbors and give everyone the space they need to move around.

Tattoos- We are working with Mortal Emblem on a special sheet of flash for the event. They are right across from us. give them a holler and book your appointment for the same weekend for some mega inky funs.

Ok… that’s it for now. Let me know if you have more questions. Maybe I can do a separate post for lodging, eats, transpo/map, and other Portlandy things.

We are just 6 weeks away from Grass Hut Art Market.

bwana spoons

Holy Smokes this is creeping right up on us. I’m going to release the tentative artist and vendor list any day now. Really forking jazzed about everyone that will play this year.

The venue is bigger, just a few more doors down from last year’s.

My current plan is to have a bitchin’ artshow at the actual Grass Hut early evening on Friday October 6th,.

Then a one day festival of toys comics art fun in the bigger space. We will have some sound and visual fun by ZORP, a really nice clump of radical vendors in person, and then a beyond magic assortment of toys and arts from “the outta town crew” comprised of mostly makers from Japan, but some from the states and other international type regions as well.

If you want to be a vendor. I should have the vendor app up in a few days. If you want to volunteer I will also have a sign up for that soon too. If you want an RSVP package… those are coming soon too.

Sammy and Shanna at the Permanent Damage event yesterday in the same space.

Gargamel Lucky Bags

bwana spoons

Lucky bags ended up actually arriving today, even though tracking says tomorrow. Hilariously it was the one hour I went out to run some errands. Lucky for me and for everyone that ordered from me. My family was home to accept the boxes. I got everything packed up and will ship out Wednesday morning. Happy with my pulls. Wonder what this years TO will be?

Japan Tour coming right up

bwana spoons

Almost set for my Japan funs with Rampage Toys. Looks like Jon added an extra Beer run at Craft on Tuesday night. @pumpcraftbeerbar Not sure what time we will be there. 4/25. I’ll bring a few goodies too.

At Vinyl Tokyo, Saturday April 29th we will have a bunch of goodies. Definitely the biggest load of fun for me. Runs, one-offs, paintings, and more.

We will be in Hall A, sharing with Siccaluna, Datadub, and Galaxy People. More runs, more funs, a few one offs, and of course… more.

We will finish our Japan tour with a day hanging out with our Nagoya friends at Smash Head. a really bitchin’ burger joint. Headlock will have Lucky Bags, and there will be a buttload of awesomeness from other fine peoples too. I think I actually might be most excited about this one.

Hope to see my old friends at these events, and make some new ones.

Please feel free to pass this blogger post on to your friends in Japan. The more the merrier.

Forest Island Mystery Bags full details.

bwana spoons

Or at least as many details as I am comfortable revealing :)

To clarify. Bigboy bag will have one guaranteed Morel Snacks. The Super regular would still have a 1 in 7 chance of having a Morel.

Both bags could contain painted runs, mixed parts, one offs, a few blanks, and rare gems. 

Colors. So many colors of vinyl, including some rare marbled pieces, and brand new colors in the mix. Mystery bags are a mix of new, and old that I’ve held back for this very occasion.

Quantity for purchase. when the bell rings at 6pm there is one bag of each size per household. Please do not order multiple of the same bag at this time.

After everyone has had a fair chance to order. Let’s say 1 hour after release. 7pm. You can have as many additional bags as your heart desires. I think this is a good way to be fair, and let everyone who would want one have a chance.

Forest Island Mystery Bags

Super Regular bag contains two figures. $60

1 Play size figure- Either Pajamas Globby, Trashcan, Thunder Randall, Morel Snacks, Gilly The Dolphin, Terry, or Hooligan.

1 Fingy figure- Either Banorah, Gloopy Globby, One Eye Banorah, Oscar The Mouse, or Hairy Banorah.

Big Boy bag contains 4 figures, Biggie sticker, and a sketchbook. $150

1 Play size Morel Snacks figure.

1 Suns Of Brodarr figure- Either Lonny, Malba, Fishstache, or other Brodarr mystery.

1 Play size figure- Either Pajamas Globby, Trashcan, Thunder Randall, Gilly The Dolphin, Terry, or Hooligan.

1 Fingy figure- Either Banorah, Gloopy Globby, One Eye Banorah, Oscar The Mouse, or Hairy Banorah.

Biggie stickers are a new larger sticker series that I started this year. 5” stickers. 6 characters are done so far. one of these will be in your bag.

Sketchbook is the one up in the webshoppe now. Is nice!

Shipping- These will ship along with Tandy and Pandy which are all ready to go, just waiting on Prints to arrive. In the event (likely) that you have multiple orders shipping together. either from multiple Mystery bags, or panda and Mystery bag, or for whatever reason I will do shipping refunds when everything starts shipping. PLEASE NOTE. Our beloved Wally, both super human, and my awesome shipper/shop manager, after close to 5 years of awesome service, has moved to Brooklyn. He will be greatly missed. AND that means I’m running solo for a while, so please bare with me and my current snail pace to get everything completed and out the door. Orders start shipping on Monday the 23rd.

Thanks peeps. Additional questions or comments? Leave them below.