Gravy Logs
Good Gravy. Here it comes!!!
bwana spoons
Good Gravy. A tiny gem inside Floating World, inside Oldtown.
You will find tiny masterpieces, soft vinyl toys, tees, prints, pins, and patches. Expect to be filled up with rainbowbarf, and godzilla fairydust.
Good Gravy grand opening is First Thursday October 6th from 7-9.
Located at 400 NW couch Portland Oregon 97209
There will be exclusive toys and goods from talented folks near and far. Barely Human, Pop Soda, Rampage Toys, Deathcat Toys, Liverad Studio, Mixed Species, Cop A Squat Toys, Shirahama, Grody Shogun, Betty Turbo, Refreshment Toy, and Bwana Spoons. That’s me! Good Gravy will be a brick and mortar homebase for all my arts.
A few FAQTS-
you can come by as early as you like, but sales won’t start until 7pm. If there are more than one person after a specific toy we will roshambo for first picks.
Starting at 6pm we will be giving out some goody bags. I think about 20 bags total.
2 each, of a few selected items will come with me to the Brooklyn Good Gravy Pop-UP Party.
What’s left will go up on before the following Friday.
Good gravy is very small, uh… smaller than even your average tiny Japanese toy shop. So be kind to your neighbor.
In the same regard, Good gravy is located inside probably one of the most amazing comic shops on the earth. Floating World is truly a magical place. treat it as such, check out the visuals, and pick up some goodies, I’m sure your going to find a book, or record you dig.
NOW. What’s this about a Good Gravy Pop-UP Party in Brooklyn?
Yes. Just two days later. I will be saying hi to NYCC. I just didn’t want to sit inside the convention for 4 days hawking my wares. So this year I’ll be doing something different, and I think. A lot more fun. I’ll be having a little Good gravy Pop-UP party at my pal Jimbo’s in the heart of Williamsburg. I’ll be bringing a small army of short run toys, a few paintings, a new tee, and more. Some loot from the Good Gravy grand opening, some Paul Kaiju customs (by me), and a bucket of rad Namaniku keshi!
Join us at 6pm for beer, cookies, and tea. Sales from 7-9. We will do everything by roshambo or via lottery.
Good Gravy Pop-UP Party. 36 South 4th, D8 Brooklyn New York 11249
Pass these flyers around. tell your friends, repost on instagram! What’s the point of hoarding all this fun? Share with your friends, find me here in Portland or walking around NYCC or wherever and let me know you shared, and I’ll give you a free Lonny sofubi head. that’s right. Find Waldo (but only it’s me) and you’ll get free lonny head. Sorry, couldn’t help myself.
More info at and and my personal instagrammy @bananapoons
Occasional updates also on the gravytoys FB page.
Interviews? More photos? Yes, just contact me at
let's paint
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Free shipping on all orders over $50 this weekend thru monday
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Monday morning Sept 12th
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New Lard in the shop
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News load. Shipping and new and old stock.
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Hi peoples. I've had a busy couple of months... uh year here. Lots of work stacked up in the corners and crevisiii of life. It's time to get organized and straighten it all out.
October will be new beginnings. The birth of a new baby shop slash rebirth of what I have been doing for years. So it's time to get REALLY organized. More on this soon.
Shipping timeline and hold items:) I have a new shipping helper, so in addition to getting goodies out myself I have Dana helping me out now too. We are going to get this next batch out on tuesday. Normally these days if the load is not too crazy i try to get goods out a little faster, but I'll be using this time for some other bits til next tuesday.
Hold box and multiple orders on the site. Anytime you want to hold something til your next order, or if you want to go for something on the the site, but are bummed about paying double shipping, just go for it. 94% of the time I'll catch it, and if I don't. Just send me an email- and i will give you a shipping refund.
As I clean and organize around here in the studio I'll be posting some magic radical bits up in the shop.
And for the next while for a long while i think I will be doing regular Friday releases again! FUN.
Gravy Stickers
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Last year for Brodarrfest at FOE Gallery Johan, of DeathCat Toys made this radical Jeff painting. I had a short run of stickers made for the event in the style of these trading stickers from Japan. They were fine, but were missing that Magic. Johan worked recently wit ha friend in Japan to make another even smaller batch of these stickers, the right way. Now with a little magic sparkle for authenticity. I have a tiny tiny stack, and I'll be giving them away with orders while supplies last. Prolly good for the next week.
This friday 10am pacific Summer Magic!
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This Friday I'll have a batch of Magic. Puppey Seijin Joe, Grubbora, and volcano turtle customs.
SDCC Gunnzo Magic.
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SDCC 2016
Like lightning, you know it’s coming but sheesh it still sneeks up and zaps the brain. Feels like it was a month ago we were just wrapping up a stellar 2015 Gunnzo affair.
Now it’s a week and a half (really a week to finish work) on the next megashazingle.
Saturday eve, July 23rd Paul Kaiju and I will be offering up a smores board of vinyl delights at the one and only Gunnzo in Oldtown San Diego.
I’ll be bringing a Killer run, new cyborg stardust blinndbags, mini blindboxes, short runs or Terry, Morel Black, UGLY, and Garak, and a stack of tasty customs. New tee? Maybe.
Hope to see you guys there.
And inside the actual real SDCC I’ll have a little something for sale at the DKE Disburst booth.
I may also do some sorta where’s Waldo. Find Bwana in San Diego backpack sale or prize of lotto or something too. Just haven’t nailed that one just yet.
Sunny San Diego. Ready or not. Here I come.
The Birth of Boris
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Many moons ago I had the idea that there were these three bugs living by a log. They were sitting around a little stump table drinking some tea, and getting into a fuss about something.
I’ve always loved bugs. I’m sort of a wimp, never wanting to pick most of them up out of fear, cept ladybugs and rolly polleys, who could resist their cuteness. I would spend hours staring at ant mounds, and turning over rocks to see what I could find. To this day I’m still doing that, but my adult brain limits these activities to minutes:)
Anywhoo. Boris and his friends. I showed these drawings to Gargamel with no response, and then to Super 7 with no interest either. Oh well. They’re fun to draw at least. 8 months roll by and SDCC is on. I think maybe this was one of the years when most of the Grass Hut Gang was all together. Pretty sure it was at least Martin, kiyoshi, maybe Mike, and Most of the Gargamel crew. Midway through the show, kiyoka says “I want to make the fly.” Which i didn’t know what he was talking about for a bit, then it hit me. He was referring to my little bug buddies, and specifically Boris.
Less than a month later Brian Flynn said I want to do that beetle from those bug drawings, and Frederick the Beetle was born.
P.S. Bits. There were three bugs, but I can’t remember who/what the third one was.
I’m not sure whether the thing at SDCC or Brian saying he wanted to do Frederick came first, just that they were within weeks of each other.
Boris the Bee was initially named Frederick The Bee. But I mixed that up somehow. Maybe the way the names rolled off the tongue, or maybe it was because sometime in the late 90’s I had made a mini comic about a dung beetle named Frederick, and had forgotten about that as well. I’m good at that kind of stuff.
It's Boris the Bee Time.
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Woohooooooo! Boris hte Bee is back. this Friday at 10am Pacific. Crystal clears, and painted Crystal clears.
I've missed you Globby
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It’s been at least 3 years if not 4 or maybe more since we have seen a “Biggie” size Globby released into the wild.
Last week I received two boxes of magic on my doorstep.
This Friday, June 17th at 10am pacific, I will be releasing a batch of blank glow Globby here on Gravy Toys. Aaaand I may paint some too. I might not be able to help myself.
Since i was a little kid I have been designing characters that live in worlds big and small.
The Birth of Globby came during a group of characters I designed way back when Super 7 was a magazine. I was doing little articles about Micronauts, and we started talking about doing a toy together. Brian and Mark said to make a small stack of buddies and we will see what happens. From that stack came Globby, who wasn’t chosen for Super 7. They said. We like the vampire. Which turned out to be Steven the Bat. Who is by the way NOT a vampire. He’s a fruit bat. Back to Globby…
I took my first trip to Japan in I think 1997. And there i experience Takoyaki for the first time, and saw this image everywhere that I had seen before in a few wind up toys. An octopuss with a really long nose snoot. I became obsessed with this nose snoot idea, and soon after was drawing these things i called Quintopuss almost everyday in the late 90’s. It was an octopuss with 5 tentacled limbs, and a really long nose snoot. I’ll see if I can find a pic somewhere. Anywhoo. years later I’m working on these characters to make a toy with Super7. Which became Globby.
Globby’s mommy was an octopuss, and his papa was an ice cream cone. As with all ice cream, Globby’s papa met his fate when his mama licked him gone in the mating ritual.
Why all this talk about Super 7 characters and Globby.
I was always drawing characters for toy companies to make. At the time when Super 7 was making Steven the bat. I was begging for S7 to have Kiyoka to sculpt Steven. Thru koji Harmon I had started exchanging mail with Gargamel, and fantasized about having Gargamel do a toy with me. so far it was not to be. And it was “too expensive” to have Kiyoka, of Gargamel to sculpt Steven the Bat. After meeting Gargamel in person they finally did agree to make a toy with me, but what. They passed on the super space sentai team I made up for them, although very different this eventually became the Sun of Brodarr. Gargamel passed on character after character. One day they showed ME, an image I had done, and said… we want to do this one. It was from a small group of drawing i had done for a Gallery 1988 show of my new friend Killer, who I had offered up to S7 or Gargamel. Go figure.
I think it goes like this. S7 makes the first Steven the Bat, then Gargamel makes Sleeping Killer, And then makes Globby, Super 7 makes new Monster Family Steven (Gargamel sculpt), and Gargamel makes Randall, and so on.
More on all this in my next bigger blogger post.
trans neon Pink Terry and Ugly Friday 10am pacific
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Can somebody get me a paleodontest.
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giggle and double Giggles! Biggie Globby
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First new color and release of "Biggie Globby" in years is on its way. More news soon.
wave two afternoon break
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wave two magic
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If you need to pull the trigger on something and just can't wait. Just make multiple orders, and I will refund shipping on second or third orders so you don't need to worry about paying multiple shipping charges or missing anything that gets you excited. The last thing I will load is the new big Jungle Boogie Steven print. So you'll know everything new is up then.