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Portland, OR

Gravy Logs


bwana spoons

We Call him Fishmist, but that’s not really his name. This is the latest Suns Of Brodarr collab project in the works.

I was immediately taken by Andrew’s inkings.

I read ApocalyptiGirl cover to cover one day at Floating World…and then came Head Lopper. Holy hell that’s a good book.

So I gave Andrew a holler, really a shot in the dark, and he was excited to play.

Here’s a good WIP of the sculpt by Beth Graves, which, with his fishsword will use a Lonny type body. Purty flipping stoked!

FINSTACHE is the bastard sibling of the Brodarr brothers. Mama Queen hooked up with a Magma Serpent in secret and the resulting child, FINSTACHE was immediately thrown into the Lava. Unbeknownst to the queen, little FINSTACHE survived the creamy lava flows, gained strength from it and spent his years honing the blade on his left hand... thirsty for revenge.

Malba is coming.

bwana spoons

Slowly:)I have been wanting to bring a little more movement to the boys. So our new friend Malba will have lefty righty waist movement, and also be able to sit, and self right itself when his feets are bugging out.Beth is working hard on finishing u…


I have been wanting to bring a little more movement to the boys. So our new friend Malba will have lefty righty waist movement, and also be able to sit, and self right itself when his feets are bugging out.

Beth is working hard on finishing up this sculpt, as well as Andrew Maclean’s Finstache.

Malba will be super shroomy… Finstache… maybe a little not so shroomy.

Zahzam and AlohaLonny Protection From Evil LS

bwana spoons

Zahzam and AlohaLonny protection From Evil LSfriday 10am Pacific.Friday is super dooper funzone. Two new pre-orders!Zahzam is my new friend. he’s a praying mantis on his way to his first day at Forest Island Middle School. Backpack- Check! Cap- Chec…

Zahzam and AlohaLonny protection From Evil LS

friday 10am Pacific.

Friday is super dooper funzone. Two new pre-orders!

Zahzam is my new friend. he’s a praying mantis on his way to his first day at Forest Island Middle School. Backpack- Check! Cap- Check!

Ready to not have my head chewed off- Check!

Zahzam has three points of articulation, all of which are magnetic. Both arms at the elbows, and Zahzam’s neck, the joint is at a 45% so you get that awesome praying mantis head turn 360.

These are resin, and made in random colors, with some marbled action. The limit to this run is 26 pieces. 


AlohaLonny Protection from Evil Long Sleeve.

Continuing with the PFE concept. I made this new LS with a Lonny chest flower, and then repeated the chest flower and abstract Lonny with child running down the sleeves.

Yellow tee with neon red ink.

Hope you dig these new goodies.

Saturday Feb 20th 7pm BeachDog Killers!

bwana spoons

Beachdog Killer

This week I am releasing a herd of mixed parts Killers into the wild. Colors are tennisball, bleached neon orange, glow, neon pink, and a few have some forest fogblue legs here and there. 

This whole crew has been sunning themselves on the sands of Forest Island.

These Walking Killers also took part in a beach trash clean up. So each one is packed with some beach bits in traditional bag and header.

Release date. I am taking part in a national strike this Friday, so my shop will be closed Friday. 

I’ll be re-opening on Saturday, and these Beachdog Killers will go on sale Saturday Feb 20th at 7pm pacific. perfect time for a little evening fun here in the states, and some morning shopping for folks in most other lands.

A little FAQ

Friday strike.

This is just a another little FU to this escaped mental patient we have in charge of our country. For me this is easy. I work from home, and set my own hours. So I am in no way telling you what you should do.

I will be closing the webshop for the day, and not buying anything anywhere.

Beach cleanup. I love beachtrash, and sadly there is too much of it. So sometimes I like to visit the beach, and pick all the plastic bits off the sand. The stuff that is fun i save, make art with, or decorate my own landscape with. The stuff that I’m not interested in I put in the garbage, or recycle.

this beachday’s highlights included an old doggiebag with a turd in it (threw that out), something that I couldn’t tell if it was a tentacle of fishing lure (I think it escaped out of my bag), and a tiny buoy (I’ll hang this in my tree with the others).

Blues toys and Blind Doggy bags next Friday 10am pacific 02/03/17

bwana spoons

Blues toys and Blind Doggy bags next Friday 10am pacific 02/03/17Yesterday I finally had a chance to do a little bit of spray. My airbrush studio is in a space that is not super winter friendly. Every year i do a little work on it in between my real…

Blues toys and Blind Doggy bags next Friday 10am pacific 02/03/17

Yesterday I finally had a chance to do a little bit of spray. My airbrush studio is in a space that is not super winter friendly. Every year i do a little work on it in between my real works, but it’s still not quite WINTERIZED. The temp finally tipped up just above 40 yesterday. It was warmer outside, but the studio hadn’t been opened up for more than a minute since before the snow and ice. Finally, just warm enough to spray a little. If I get in there just a little everyday, then by NEXT Friday… I will have some awesome treats for you. Blues Toys One offs, and Blind Doggy Bags filled with magic. Jungle Goobers, Stankors, and Eyebora inside. One Offs, blanks, and short runs. Plus, something fun to do with Terry King Bootlegger.

So no release this Friday. If your local, or have a local buddy though. Have them stop by the brick and mortar Good Gravy shop. We just loaded it with gems of all flavors old and new. Biskup, Munktiki (Yakimon), Koraters (Shoko Nakazawa), a pile of my own goodies, and more.

Friday at 10am pacific Junglezone Prenute

bwana spoons

I should have a few of these magic bits up on the site this Friday at 10am pacific. I had the best time painting these Prenute. Prenute designed and sculpted by Tim Biskup, produced by Gravy Toys. these customs painted by Bwana Spoons, that's me.

Just two days left! And the Space Travel set release this Friday

bwana spoons

Three bad brothers you know so well.

Or maybe you are just seeing this for the first time.

recently I was going thru some video for a project and it triggered a little itch in me.

Jeff, Lonny, and Drizz. These guys are the basis, or root of how the whole Suns of Brodarr world got started in my brain. I wanted Three Stooges from space with a mission that they could never accomplish. Wil E. Coyote never actually gets to eat the Road Runner, Tom never gets to eat Jerry, and the cycle of shinanigans continues into eternity.

All Jeff, Lonny, and Drizz want to do, is come to earth, and eat it’s melty core. They heard how delicious it was one night at a bar.


So this Space Traveler set is a back to roots release. Start your collection here, or build your beautifully wrong army with these guys. Sold both as a set and individually.

Friday's release is a Random Roll!

bwana spoons

Cyborg Stardust.

Invisible Army clear with blue magic and hidden skull soul.

Lonny has done it again. He has put together a new batch of Cyborg Stardust in his lab inside the starship Cybil Shepard.

These beasts are sold via Random Roll. Friday 10am pacific on


What do you mean “Random Roll”.

If you know me and my Suns Of Brodarr, you know we all love dice and games.

I came up with an intelligent idea using some of my brain.

There are 7 different figures, and I have a 10 sided die (0-9).

Each figure is assigned a number 1-7.

After each each order I will roll the die to decide which figure you will get.

If your picking up multiples, after each figure roll, I will eliminate that number from the possibilities. So unlike a blind bag, with this random roll you are guaranteed not to get a bucket of the same figure.

Here are the numbers assigned to each figure.

1 Jeff, 2 Kamisama, 3 Garak, 4 Lonny, 5 Aqualox, 6 Private Hooligan, 7 Paulo The Moonlight Kreeper, 8 little prize and then roll again, 9, and 0 are both designated as roll overs.

Example. You have ordered three figures. On the first roll, it comes up 6. Your first figure is a Hooligan. Roll again, and it comes up 8. You win a little prize, and roll again. It comes up 2. Your second figure is a Kamisama. One more roll left, first it comes up 6, but you already have a hooligan, so I roll again and it comes up 1. So your third figure is a Jeff.

Makes sense? :)

I can’t guarantee your order by christmas, but we will be shipping all the weekend orders out early Monday via priority mail in the states. So it seems at least likely.

Stay tuned for Skulls And RainBones Society to reopen on December 26th. With the Protection From Evil, Lonny tee and figure.

Bwana PK Biterfish & Snowzone one offs & Lil' Moongoon release.

bwana spoons


A fantastic stack of rainbow powered sofubi. One off of my own characters, and some multi layered madness on PK Biterfish. Plus... a roll up of 5 PK Moongoon handpaints. Please hold yourself to one Biterfish or one Moongoon if the afternoon rolls around and there are still bits left up for grabs you are welcome to then grab another and I will refund shipping on your second order. Good luck, hope you dig these boogers.

Skulls 2016 exclusive!

bwana spoons

Skulls And Rainbows Society 2016 exclusive.

Firstsies. If your not a SARBS member, just don’t order this. I’ll be going thru all the orders, and refunding any rogue non Skulls orders.

Folks who aren’t in the club will have a chance to join in December, just stay on the look outs for news.

1 per member.

Five color sprays- gold, green, purple nurple, pink, and black on glow vinyl.

these are all hand cut and assembled by me, and the sample pictured here is “special” as he has two front left feets on his left side. Yours won’t:) 

this is a pre-order, max run would be 30 pieces but could be as low as 5 pieces. it all depends on you:)