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Portland, OR

Gravy Logs

Little Chonks are here

bwana spoons

Little Chonsk Series III have arrived with a release scheduled for this Friday 10am pacific. A painted run, a few blanks, and even a couple one offs. These will ship as blind bags. There are 4 characters and you can purchase up to 4 bags. I’m designing it so my shipper can’t see who gets what, in sealed bags, but the bags will all be numbered 1-4 so that you also won’t need to worry about getting duplicates. Purchase 1 is random, purchase 2, 3 or 4 and my shipper will pull bags with different numbers on them. This way someone who buys 4 bags won’t (unlikely anyways) end up with 4 Freddie… likewise with 3 or 2 bags either. Fun? I think so.

One offs I made to see how these would look with paint. Terry, Morel, Freddie, and Boris.