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Portland, OR

Gravy Logs

Oh my Gamjam is so close!!!

bwana spoons

What? Gamjam or Grass Hut Art Market (I think Gamjam is winning the publicity war, but you can tell people either). #gamjam #grasshutartmarket

It's a one day art fair with toys, fine art, ceramics, zine and comics, prints, apparel, glass, and more toys.

Where? Lloyd Mall 2nd floor (street level from the Northside) in the old Ulta make up space. Plus lil' artshow at Grass Hut inside Floating World just a few doors down.

When? Saturday October 5th 11-6pm. It's once a year, but there will be Nathan's Mall Rats in December too.

How much? Entry for Adults is just $2, kids are free. If you want first dibs on certain toy makers, get yourself an RSVP tote.

Money sweet ass money? be prepared to pay in different forms. Everyone has some different way to take funds. Cash is always good, most people will take Venmo, or paypal, lots take cards, just come prepared to pay in different ways. Zelle... what's Zelle? Barter for gems and fancy rocks. Maybe.

Why? See your friends, see and maybe even buy some amazing eyeball melting art IN PERSON not just on our hand computers.