bwana spoons
What a couple of truly fucked up weeks.
I’m refraining from posting on instagram for the rest of the week about anything related to my work. But I’ll post a bit here. Hope you are all safe and healthy. I’ll save happy for another time.
This week, when I could focus on work. I started to get things together for Next Friday’s release. A nice cluster of Malba, and Morel Black, and some PK Brodarr mash ups. Maybe maybe some Faceguts fun. But all I’ve done so far is look at them a bunch:)
I started work on a “Killer Family”. This is a concept i have thought about for a while. Seems more important in this moment and time though. The idea is to make a little family unit, two adults and toddler, or something along those lines. I’m pretty far along with the papa, and getting into it, with the mama. When I’m ready I’ll launch a kickstarter for the set. I still have one last piece to finish for the pet portrait KS though, and it’s for someone I really like. So I want to be in the right headspace when i paint that last one.
Ok peeples. Sending out lots of rainbows and sunshine to you all.