Oh is that a Giant Kanegon in your pocket? & new tees!
bwana spoons
Here Comes Kanegon. I’ve been hunting for this giant baby for quite some time. First, just trying to find one these days, and then, one that I can afford. It’s tricky, so I’ve been quietly asking around for a bit now. This beast was made by M1. I think there are 3 runs, an initial run in blue (i’m not sure of the year. Maybe someone can chime in, in the comments section and let us know.), a second blue run, and at that time, there was also a glow run. How many were made I don’t know. How many made it to the states… well, less. I’ve seen them in 3 homes, one of which has a second unassembled glow. Maybe 4 homes… I’m trying to remember if Mark Nagata has one? I’m always so mesmerized by all his other Ultra magic, this could have easily just camo’d into the background. I was told that Mark Ryden has one… so that would even be one in the Portland area. anywhooo…. in the states these are very hard to come by.
So I’m going to get this little baby, about 4ft tall, and put him on display at Grass Hut after I touch him up a bit. He’s got a LOT of scuffs. This way we can all enjoy the magic that is Kanegon.
Who or what is Kanegon? He or it, appears in his own episode of the show Ultra Q, which is a beautiful adaptation of Twilight zone and Outer Limits, but only with more monsters. The Kanegon episode is all about the pitfalls of greed and wants. Kaneo (I think I have his name right), is the king of this kinda awful gang of kids, who are all selling trash to each other, trying to make a buck. The kids find a tiny (which would still be huge in real life) cocoon. It has a tiny bit of coins inside its fuzzy shell. Kaneo takes it for himself, hoping to grow more coins in the cocoon. It does, and when he reaches inside, he’s trapped, and then birthed the next morning from the cocoon as Kanegon, who will run out of energy and die if he doesn’t constantly consume more coins. Funny, or sad, or just ironic, that I covet this massive piece of plastic so much, that I would do just about anything to get it. Just like Kaneo did. Will I turn into a Kanegon?
In anticipationand inspiration of Giant Kanegon coming home to papa, and wondering if I myself may turn into one (a Kanegon). I’m making a new tee, partly as a fun raiser for my new toy. Will you buy my new Grass Hut tee “Take A Wiff”? It’s for a good cause:)
These will be up in the webshoppe Friday 10am pacific.