Shortrun This Saturday in Seattle
bwana spoons
I’m so excited for Shortrun this weekend. I piggybacked off of Zack Soto and Floating world in 2019 and had a blast, but this is the first time in a decade that I have done a comics or zine festival on purpose. Actually applying for a table. A made a new zine that should arrive any moment, and made a tiny new sketchbook too.
Panel from an older comic
Newer peeps might not know that my roots are in zines. I made my first zine in 1991. Ain’t Nothin’ Like Fuckin’ Moonshine. Which I made for the sole purpose of getting more work doing skateboard graphics (Completely unsuccessfully I might add). I had so much fun making it, that it turned into a full bakerz dozen of issues, then I just kept going after that. Fun. But these days I’m pretty busy with making toys and doing paintings and sculptures. I have the desire to make zines and comics, but it’s usually always third on the list on days when I just get to do the first two things. So… this is a delight. It’s actually a tiny work-cation for me. Taking the train, staying in a nice hotel, walk a round a bit, and then sell some books and make some new friends.