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Portland, OR

Gravy Logs


bwana spoons

What is the nonsense above in that title? SOB-03-BX-TYPE.

Suns Of Brodarr, third edition, box type figure set. Makes more sense now right. At least a little right, in particular if you have SOB-01-BX-TYPE, or SOB-02-BX-TYPE. SOB-01 was a boxed Private Hooligan release, SOB-02 was a boxed resin Jeff release.

Those first two releases were so rad, why isn't everything boxed?

Well I go back and forth on this topic. I don't think I want 1000 of the same boxes. Meaning if I want somebody else to make my box, I would need to order a minimum of 500, prolly 1000. And if i make them all by hand like the previous two boxed releases, and this upcoming one i think i would go crazy. It takes a little more brain power and time than I am capable of.

So why bother at all then?

Because I love a beautiful boxed toy. So much so that I have collected several boxed vintage pieces over the years, just based on the box design. I love them!

Hope you guys will dig how this latest boxed piece will turn out. SOB-03-BX-TYPE