Gravy Logs
Drizzleshits Ridiculous Amount Of Shards
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Friday 10am Pacific here on Gravy. Drizzleshits. Ridiculous Amount Of Shards. Edition size is 13 (I think. I'll double check today). This comes with a signed and numbered Drizzleshits "Shards" still life, print on archival bamboo paper.
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Warbird goboking one off is complete. to get in on this beast, comment on the Double Wammy Pot below this one. Price will be $375
Double Wammy!
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Getting warmed up for a Reelly exciting week.
Took this pic last evening. yesterday it finally rained, at least a little. And my spirits were high as I thought about all the excitement coming up this week.
Where to start. Well, first let's start with THANK YOU. We sold 30 Mystery Boxes. The Mystery Box was a fluke. I'll explain more below. I wasn't sure how these would do. But these went beyond my expectations. this means that close to 30 people (a few people ordered two) are getting some grade A tees that have been just sitting in storage for a long while. And close to 30 people just got a smoking package deal. I can't wait to go through toys today and sneek in some customs and other goodies for these boxes. Let's do this again next year same time.
Now this week. It's a double wammy for sure. Don't they say No Wammies". Friday at 10am I'll be having a PK painted run release into the wild. We will do this by lotto, as any good sensed PK release should be. to put your name in the hat sign up here in the comments section of this thread. there will be a painted Ree run, painted Quatroid Run, a one off Goboking, and one original painting "Bloodbath". you can put your name in for everything. But preference will be given to those that haven't been picked yet. I'll start with the custom Goboking, and then do the Rees, and then Quatroids.
I don't have a real price list yet. But here's an estimate for what your into. Ree will probably be $200, PK asked that I do a full kit, mushroom, spacesuit, and oriGINal, so it's a LOT of parts. Goboking one off will probably be $360 - $500, and Quatroids will be $36 - $40. Hope this helps.
At 10am friday I'll have all the names in the Randall mug and start drawing. Goodluck and haves funs.
Ok. next point of interest. Open Studio Yeah! 3-8pm this isn't at the brick and mortar shop downtown. This will be held at my real studio here in SE Portland. More detailed post about this tomorrow.
and lastly. kickstarted gets bumped again. I'm shooting for next friday. The real reason we are having a double wammy this week, the mystery boxes earlier, and have to bump the kickstarter. I overdid summer, and busted up my back pretty good. Old man Spoons. A week out from the initial backlightning and I am still struggling, but each day gets better. My range of movement gets better, and I am moving just a little quicker. Barf. i hate even talking about that kind of stuff. I am feeling very grateful that I can move again, and so excited for this week.
Open Studio. NEW date. Friday August 18th
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August schedule with a slight chance of fun.
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Rando photo. But I think this might sum up summer pretty well. If you think this face is goofy. You should see what my ocean face looks like.
August Schedule
Friday August 4th Watermellon jungle boogie Steven.
Friday August 18th Open Studio. Yes…. My first ever open studio. More info soon.
Friday August 18th PK Reely fun release, and the Gravy Toys Megaload Kickstarter begins.
Friday August 25th. “Paintshop” opens on
That’s it for now folks. I’d love to to a blogger SD recap, just need to find the enegy to get it going.
Summer Funzone Sale
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Quickie sale this weekend thru Monday morning. Get 25% off an any orders over $100. Combine a pile of small bits, or pick up that sexytime custom or piece of original art you were hunting for. Folks that have outstanding orders will also get a little something nice in your box too. use coupon code FUNZONE at check out.
Cyborg Hooligan SOB-04-BX-TYPE
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Work in Progress shot
“What? This wing thing? Maybe it will make a bat, and fly out of my chest?” Cyborg Hooligan
Lonny is at it again. He’s built a new army of Cyborg Stardust, and he’s putting Private Hooligan in charge.
“Private Hooligan. Go out there and find us some new dice. I want 66 sided one, to feed to the Turtles, making them more loyal to us. Take your Hooligan’s Zeroes out there and start hunting” Lonny, biting his words on his seaweed mouth flaps, proclaimed.
Cyborg Hooligan. SOB-04-BX-TYPE
Friday june 30th. 10 hundred hours. Pacific Time.
Cyborg Hooligan. Burnt Charcoal Sparkle, silver, copper, and varies sprays and handpaint on black vinyl body. Comes with a pet Stankor. these guys are packaged together in a handmade box made just for this release. Box and figure are signed and numbered edition of 13.
Coloring contest voting starts here at noon. You can vote for your top
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gala two
gala one
leo one
leo two
Ok that's it man! Vote here in the comments for your top three favorite Globby Entries by first name. Thanks so much for playing! Voting will be closed Sunday at midnight. Happy Globby Day!
International Globby Day coloring contest.
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the second one is a little higher res.
Spring Green Tapirs and Sloths 'n' Moths
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This Friday at 10am pacific. We will be releasing batches of Sloth n moth and tapir out into the wild in both painted and blanks. Bubble tea or picnic on a blanky?
Rainbow Stream Prenute this Friday at 10am pacific.
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Brodarrfest and Five Points report card. A solid B
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What is Brodarrfest? And what are the Suns Of Brodarr?
Brodarr is a planet… somewhere in our galaxy. The Suns of Brodarr are the hundreds of brothers and sisters from just one mommy on planet Brodarr.
The Suns of Brodarr are aliens, who heard tale of earth and it’s tasty melty core. So they want to come and eat the Earth, but they can never find their way as they fight, and make love, and play dice, and drink, and get into trouble.
Brodarrfest is a celebration of all this through art.
We held the first one back in 2015 at FOE Gallery. Now the second one over in NYC at Five Points.
Five Points was to be a melting of comics and designer toys, something to give the indie crowd an alternative to NYCC. The first year was pretty amazing, good crowd on Saturday, and most everyone in attendance was a-ok.
Now let’s pick it all apart, so we can make the next one even better.
Brodarrfest. Having this held inside another event was a fine idea.
But I overthought and stressed about display WAY too much. coming from the west coast I had to think… how would I build and display everything. Should just bought some ikea junk and called it a day.
A weird and slightly frustrating thing was Saturday having multiple people AT the event, letting me know they were sorry they weren’t able to make it to my event the night before, or weren’t going to be able to make it that night. So either the display, or the way I was getting out the word, or maybe both were sorta lacking:)
Luckily I had scores more people tell me how much they enjoyed what they were seeing, flipping out on a painting, or a one-off they are looking at.
Preaching to the choir. This has been a big issue at SDCC, and then NYCC. I think the big issue here is exclusivity through cost. Your entry price is just WAY too high. So they only people going are already “all in”, and frankly this is a good way to make things stagnant, or even shrink the pool of people interested in these mediums. I am fully aware that Left Field Media, the promoters, and money behind this event are in it to make a profit. But the cost needs to come down in order to make it work for everyone. Saturday had a fair crowd, but Sunday attendance was pretty dismal.
I even have an idea, rather than just whining about it. If you just slashed Sunday’s price in half, I think the amount of ticket sales would increase tenfold, therefore making LFM more profit. this way more locals who are curious, and maybe only have $100 to dedicate to the day, including parking, and food, ect… might give the event a try, and enjoy what they see.
Toys vs comics. These are two avenues that would seem to make the perfect intersection. At this event, toys for some of us, did quite well. I think comics, maybe not quite so much. Maybe because NYCC already has an entire hall dedicated to indie comics, and rows and rows of long boxes already, comics people didn’t come out for this quite as much. The longbox dealers were visibly, and audibly irritated with their lack of sales, creating some of the only bad vibes i witnessed at the whole event.
Again, I have ideas instead of just whining about it. Still invite and include any comics people. But put more focus on art, and attracting more illustrators. Follow the DCON formula more closely. Five points worked with Kano to do a gigantic beautiful mural in NYC, just bring more of THAT energy inside the convention. I was supposed to do a minigolf course, and fell short. So next year, with the help of Clutter I will make it happen.
Along the same lines as above. There was ONE dealer who had vintage Japanese sofubi, and I think he made a killing. Next year let’s see some more vintage dealers. The vintage sofubi dealer, Rob… made my day.
Both Brodarrfest and Five Points were a success. Please feel free to dialog here, so we can make next time even better.
Big fat thank you to Clutter for everything you do. I’ll most definitely be back next year for year two. Anotehr big thankyou to Jimbo and jumi and jet, my hosts. And double plus seven billion thank you to all the artists that came through, and everyone that rolled through, said hi, and picked up a goody or two. The cost to come from the west coast, and set this thing up was big, and you guys all made it worth while.
brodarrfest show and online sales start today.
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Vote for this lil guys name and win! Plus a Steven givaway too.
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Help give this lil guy a name and you could win a blank of the very first run.
I’m giving away two blank Kappa testshots. One for whoever’s name we vote on, and another just for voting.
This weekend. Vote in the comments section here. I’ll tally up the votes. One blank will be awarded to one random voter via the ol name in the hat, and one more will go to the person who sent in the name I use.
You can vote for up to three names.
Here are our candidates for my new Kappa friend.
Kappa Tommy!
Sweet Gherkin
Mahō no kaeru
Peter Wigwam
Jenny Future
Steven Giveaway.
I’m also giving a steven away to one random, name in the hat winner, from the pool of folks that pre-order the new Mixed Parts Jungle Boogie Steven. FUN. Oh.. Pre-orders end this sunday.
Mixed Parts Jungle boogie Steven
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Brodarrfest is less than one month away!
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Krackle & Klong resin rainbows friday maybe at 10am:)
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Krackle & Klong
So why is there only this one pic of tomorrow’s release? I’m still working on the joints. Magnets yes, but I was worried the ones i had were too small for some areas, and I was right. So back to the drawing board. I should have this figured out… literally by early tomorrow morning with all release details posted up in the shop section.
Finished pouring all the globby and Zahzams that weren’t done. cleaned them up. Now i still need to put in the magnets and give them a nice clear coat.
Oh Jimmeny Crickets! Happy news.
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Oh my.
Super flipping doopular news this morning. The first small batch of Jungle Boogie Steven are made. This photo is from Japan, as I still don’t have these in hand.
The very first shot of Steven. He’s still not even in the wild yet.
This is the third Steven the Bat sculpt.
Steven the Bat was my very first toy.
Super7 and I got the very first batch of them out at SDCC back in 2005. Crazy to think that was only 12 years ago. Or on the flipside, holy sharts. I have officially been making toys now for 12 years.
That first sculpt took over 2 years to come out into the wild, lots of communication failure with our contact in China, but we worked it all out, and Steven was born. This first sculpt has some occasional standing issues. Too much fig moonshine.
The second Steven sculpt was part of Super7’s Monster Family series, and was sculpted by Gargamel, who I had been working with for quite a bit by the time that second steven came out. Smaller, cuter, and a good stander.
And now this Jungle Boogie Steven. I started sculpting this winter 2015-16 I think. In late fall I sent off the finished sculpt to Japan. I did everything but the fittings on this beast, so don’t expect the clean smooth lines of the Gargamel sculpted Steven. This is more like an ancient artifact found inside a temple cave under the forest floor.
I can’t wait to hold this new Steven in my hands.