Summer Slime is coming.
bwana spoons
Just a tinkle and a week away. You guys ready to have some funs? Toys, tacos, and some Lagunitas liquidy bits. I'm super hopped up about this one.
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Portland, OR
Just a tinkle and a week away. You guys ready to have some funs? Toys, tacos, and some Lagunitas liquidy bits. I'm super hopped up about this one.
This friday at 10am pacific. Terry Stardust. Pink GID, choco brown, and GID vinyl with sprays and handpainted elements. these will be blind bagged with an extra treat, and two are variant versions with a bit of different color and more handpainted elements. SORTOF one-offs. FUN!
John and Zack helping me out to assemble the very first Cyborg Stardust
Lazy lazy Lazy.
Not so much lazy in my life. I've been working lots on various projects, painting toys, painting paintings:) , sculpting, and doing housey things like building a new chicken coop. But posting about my Brodarr buddies, jeesh, I really need to dust the cobwebs off this loggy blog here.
This week look for lots of little bits here and there about my Suns Of Brodarr friends. Time to get a little rainbow blood flowing here.
Little Wolfs will be available at 10am pacific here on Gravy, in the web shoppe. Ships anywhere.
Big Neko. There is just one available (because one is for me:). I'm doing this one by Lotto right here in this thread. Neko will be $300 shipped. U.S. and Japan sales only on this one. Oh and Big Neko DOES have the extra third head, and can choose which one he or she gets. I like them both.
To put your name in the hat comment in this thread right here with your human name, and please be Paypal ready ok. You have until 10am Friday Morning pacific to enter. Thanks and happy nekoing.
Both of these Shirahama Toy releases are very special to me. I've known Dennis since SF days. it was such a treat to walk into Thrash Out for the first time and see his smiling face there.
This is a mix of pumpkin orange and choco vinyl, with florescent pink and gold sprays, and two different whites for teeths n claws, and ocean teal for the ghosty eyes. Happy early Halloween.
New Paintings, Steven the bat, and more goodies.
I'm not sure how easy it is to print from this site... but I made this high res cataloggy checklist with at least 3/4 of what will be available for the 4 shows. A few things haven't shown up yet, chocolate prenute, and some different killers, and t9g marty and killers. Even if they don't manifest for this tour, this is a hell of a line up. I have been painting non-stop everyday for this tour. So much rainbow action here. Hope to see some of you, and you can't make it to the shows, send a link with this one big wet stinky sheet to your friends that are going. See you on the flipside.
Check the webshop for a whole new load of magic. Please note. These will all ship third week in May.
4 new enamel pins, a bunch of new prints, new colors for the Slow Your Roll Bandana and Tote, and a small pile of new one-offs for your clutching pleasure this Friday at 10am pacific. Check my instagrammy @bananapoons for pretty consistent updates all week.
The ball is really starting to roll over here as i get ready for a four stop wonderbluster. The WTF asia tour goes like this. Studio Uamou Saturday April 28th, and Superfest sharing a table with Cometdebris on April 29th. Both of these jams are in Tokyo. Then I'm off to Thailand for the Thailand Toy Expo (TTE) May 3rd-6th. My last official stop is an art/toy show at Paradise in Taipei Taiwan on Friday May 11th. After that back in Tokyo for a factory visit, and slight brainmelt.
Here's a shot of the sculpt. She is buried in silicone right now. I'll do one version for Skulls club, and a second public version as well.
Place Kiwi by your front door and rub her shell for good luck on your way out, put here in your restaurant for good health, or your shop as an anti-theft charm.
This first kiwi is resin. Although there is a chance she could make it to sofubi. I wouldn't count on that. I am so backed up with sofubi projetcs still from last year, by the time it happens I probably will have sculpted some new treasure to be made into soft vinyl:)
MeMe are now complete. You still have a few hours to put your name in the hat for one of these beasts by Popsoda x Restore and one offed by Bwana Spoons. Scroll down the the "I still have three" post and put your name in there. Same price as first 4, which i think was $260. plus shipping. I'll double check.
But as you can see. i still have my work cut out for me.
Next Wednesday I'll have three more MeMe that I will sell by Lotto. Sign up here, in the comments section of this post if you want to put your name in the Randall mug. Same price. Similar style.
Shipping. I haven't figured out how to do this. But I need to start sending anything to Asia-customs, or larger orders priority, with tracking, and maybe insured. I know how to ship this way, but need to make a new option on my site. The problem is that if i just say folks need to use the higher shipping price option for overseas orders, they will just choose the cheaper option anyways. But i don't want to penalize somebody from Taiwan just wanting to order a few Jungle Goobers:) I'll figure out something that works for all of us.
MeMe by Popsoda x Restore. One off magic by Bwana Spoons
Suns Of Brodarr, Cyborg Garak by Cometdebris x Gravy Toys
Better, not in the dark pics coming soon:)
This Friday I'll be opening up membership for 2018 Skulls And RainBones Society. This year I'm putting together some stellar packages for you. Is going to be quite delightful.
Not these guys. They sold out. But a whole other bucket of DCON magic and new releases coming up in a few hours or maybe the morning of marrow.
Oh sharts. So excited. Excited to see some of you folks. I'll be there all day Saturday and Sunday. And if you want a little more personal hangtime. Stop by Faceguts Friday after 5pm. i'll be playing Dice and helping Mr. Tim Biskup sell a big hunk of his toy collection, along with some new customs and of course. Dice!
At DCON I'll have a brand new killer print, more new prints, a new tote and bandana, exclusive toys, original art, enamel pins, one-offs, and of course. MORE!
See you soon.
Hi Gang. The happiest day is coming. Some folks call it Satan's Christmas. I just call it a perfect fall day. Friday 10am pacific. I'll have these beasts up on the Gravy webshoppe. Teenage Randall comes with a hunk of glee, a Teenage Randall howling at the moon print. Jungle Goobers are a perfect candy corn orange vinyl, and can be procured individually or as a set of three.
Thee second half of my worldwin Leftcoast mini tour is almost upon us. We had a blast last Sunday in San Francisco at the world famous Zombie Garage. Now it's time for some more Slow Your Roll action at Faceguts. This Sunday September 24th. From 12:01 - 1pm will be an extensive 3 minute talk on the biology and folklore of the Kappa. After the exhaustive Kappa lecture we will all sit around and draw Kappas after a quick tutorial. Then at 1:01pm till 6pm, the floodgates open for sales and together time, and some beertime. Myself, Liverad Studios, and friends will have a small motherload of exclusive toys, prints, tees, pins, prints, and original art. Come play with us Los Angeles. Faceguts is located at 4136 and a half Verdugo Rd. Los Angeles California 90065 Folks who attended the recent Gravy Open Studio in Portland, and Zombie Garage in San Francisco can testify to a good time had by all.
What is required? If you come at noon. A sketchbook and some pens and a pencil would be a great idea. But if you forget I'm sure we will have you covered. After 1pm it's just you and your 17 friends you bring thru the doors.
Who can come? Bring your kids and you grandma. They are both invited ,as well as you.
Do I need to RSVP. Nope. But i would love to see some "I'm in. Who's coming to this with me?" posts on FB and the instagrammies. Esp for the Kappa Class, just so i get a sense of who all will be there. It's a tiny space and you may be sittin' on the floor:)
What does it cost? Nothin'. The Kappa workshop is free. Just bring your good vibes. If you are planning to buy some goodies. Cash is great, and I always happily take Paypal.
I can't wait to see you this Sunday.