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Portland, OR

Gravy Logs

archive sale round 1.

bwana spoons



Naoya Hedos

Naoya Hedos

Naoya Hedos

Naoya Hedos

Mystery Zag

Mystery Zag







Standard Hedos

Standard Hedos

Earth Restroyers

Earth Restroyers



I’m slimming and trimming my archives down to one or two colorways a piece. This is it for Round 1. Which is mostly beautiful old Gargamel sculpts. Round 2 more of the same plus a lot of my own characters. Old sold out editions of everything. I truly love these, but out with the old and in with the new. Email me at pelicanmist at gmail dot com for a price list if you are interested in anything.

New Prints coming

bwana spoons

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Just finished prepress for a new load of Nature Calls prints. Excited to see how these look in real life. I’m shooting for a release next Friday on the webshoppe. The lil cactus one is my favorite. I drew it a good 2 months ago and then promptly lost the sketchbook when it was time to scan it and get these all finished up. After a week of off and on searching i found it in a very safe place:)

My Sleepy shelf Contest Friday Feb 8th.

bwana spoons

Contest! Answer these questions here in this post. What’s your favorite toy here? What do you think my favorite toy might be here? One winner will be selected and receive a really fun goody bag containing a hat, zine, a print of my Killer day 8 painting, and a toy or two. Winner announced Saturday eve, and entries accepted up till that time.

Also please feel free to set me straight on any names I may have mixed up. Or ask me questions about any specific piece too.

Winter is always a good time to reassess, and change up my environment a bit. I think I’ve had this thing since San Francisco days. This was an old medicine cabinet I found on the street, repainted, and used to hold toys and treasures. Which in this home, might be the same thing. It’s mounted in our living room, and I think the last time it was re-arranged or dusted was about 3 years ago. Time for a change. these aren’t all my favorite toys, but maybe just ones I want to look at right now, or just look happy together. About half were in here pre-dusting, and some have lived their entire lives in this case, at least when I’m watching.

Oh the flipping sparking of joy!

Oh the flipping sparking of joy!

Oh so much right here. L-R happytime. My favorite SQDBLSTR toy which is some piece of vintage turtlefox teapot pottery thing. Rampage tank with a berret. Unpleased ultra monster, which is vintage but I had kiyoka of Gargamel put new sprays on it, wh…

Oh so much right here. L-R happytime. My favorite SQDBLSTR toy which is some piece of vintage turtlefox teapot pottery thing. Rampage tank with a berret. Unpleased ultra monster, which is vintage but I had kiyoka of Gargamel put new sprays on it, which only took him 3 years. Science Patrol blowfish guy. Toygraph Kanegon in egg or something like that. Blitzkreig fun in the back, it’s so D&D! Gargamel Moai fun combiner robot. Sad armless vintage toys that I combined to make happytime. baby Smogon I painted and couldn’t let go of. My Mountaintop Munktiki vessel, which I keep trying to get them to make more of but they won’t:). Happy Dolphin. Buta trash kitty. Big Dogu. Ragon… by Yamomark? Chima dino. Oretan tidal wave… so good.

Top L-R- Buta Tako. Cute ass Gargamess by Gargamel with custom paints. Eggplant Buta. Man At Arms. In the shadows Pandora biggie by Buta. This weird pinecone/moosehair pipe thing. Chima witch Banana. Anklyasaur. Gargamel Crouching Zag one off. This …

Top L-R- Buta Tako. Cute ass Gargamess by Gargamel with custom paints. Eggplant Buta. Man At Arms. In the shadows Pandora biggie by Buta. This weird pinecone/moosehair pipe thing. Chima witch Banana. Anklyasaur. Gargamel Crouching Zag one off. This wormy thing I made from a randall paw that I already forgot the name. Little naked guy.

L-R- Lobros in the back. Dino. baby Pandora. Cute ass mole. Robocon guy i got at a toy show in San Jose for $3. Green Thrashman. Weird resin french bulldog by Gargamel’s friend(sorry i can’t remember his name). Buta bat guy with scarf. Characterics or Toygraph or US Toys Hedo. Amanda Skateboard in the back. Satochan. Chima Lantern.

Upper shelf L-R- Crazy beast I got from Souther and Monica’s traveling trade tortoise event at Grass Hut. Cool rock. Amanda Bat. Gargamel Votom. Neronga Ultra villian or is it Bemler? Globby. Bunny and a Moonshiner in a leather canoe. Chima banana. …

Upper shelf L-R- Crazy beast I got from Souther and Monica’s traveling trade tortoise event at Grass Hut. Cool rock. Amanda Bat. Gargamel Votom. Neronga Ultra villian or is it Bemler? Globby. Bunny and a Moonshiner in a leather canoe. Chima banana. Anraku critter. Tiny Baltan. Star Raider. Buta Booska Lady. Little Gargamel smashface hedo. crabby gashapon. Anraku buddy. Little Bubi guy. Keshi New Terry.

Bottom Row L-R- Namegon. Gashapon crabby on a rock. Sofubi not so soft anymore crabby with accordian plunger on top. Gashapon snapping turtle. Booska in a poncho. Buta cave dude. Chima Manta with a walnut shell turtle my mom made on top.Another leather canoe with little wooden toys, ultra Dada, baby treeson inside. James Jarvis native american. Yoda. Grumble kitty. Buta cave guy. Chima Dino. Shimomoku critter. T9G double dragon/sally. Kure Kure Takora guy. Shmoo. and Zilla made maybe by Toygraph.

What’s your favorite toy here? What do you think my favorite toy might be here?

SQD BLSTR magic coming to Gravy

bwana spoons

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SQD BLSTR toys coming to the Gravy brick and mortar shop December 26th and then sometime soon after, the the webshoppe. I love these weird creations. They all make me think of something ancient, dug out of the ground and seen for the first time. We are calling this a mini show. There are a nice load of one-offs, and two small mini runs. So happy these are here, and Aaron is playing with Gravy.

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Cyber Funday!

bwana spoons

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All day today free domesticated shipping and a free stankor tank with any order.

Tanks are blind picks out of my Randall mug. You could get a painted or blank:)

SFWEPA show at DesignerCon

bwana spoons

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Ok. Time to make this show public. Thanks to the fantastic Kelly Allen for the image.

Several Fantastic Ways to Enjoy the Pre-Apocalypse is a group art show with megaload of radical artists taking on this theme.

Please share this post on your social media avenues, websites, old fashion bloggers, Los Angeles friends, and peoples you think might be in attendance at DCON this year. You can use #sfwepa to help unite us as a powerful art cluster:)

Here's a map of the Designercon floor. We have a nice endcap generously donated to us by DesignerCon. Find us at booth 2449. The name of the space, if anyone forgets where we are is SFWEPA Group Show
We will have a special treat at this event. Daniel Rolnik, our show ambassador, will be bringing a nice load of pieces from the folks at Portland Arts & Learning Studio. An art studio and gallery space for adults experiencing intellectual and developmental disabilities. people come here during the day and work out some pretty fantastic art. And now thousands of people outside of Portland will get to see it.

Well this looks imPRESSive

bwana spoons

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Hey Los Angeles. Mark your calendork for some fun. Come see me October 20th.
I have my first solo show in quite a while coming up. Just a few weeks away.
Here's the hard parts.
Several Fantastic Ways to Enjoy the Pre-Apocalypse
Paintings, toys, and sculptures by Bwana Spoons
Opening Reception- Saturday October 20th 6-10pm
At- Faceguts 
4136 1/2 Verdugo Rd, Los Angeles California
This show runs for just shy of one week as all october Faceguts is hosting a new show every Saturday night. FUN!!!
What's this all about?
I had this kind of revelation not too long ago, that I sometimes wear the “Cone Of Indifference”. A sort of fog where none of the creepy weird shit that is going down in this world phases me. Just put my head down, paint my toys, watch some netflix, and eat a cookie.

I am making a conscious effort to occasionally remove the cone, and give a shit, at least a little bit. Maybe you never even put this cone on, your eyes are open, and you are taking daily actions or maybe you are just like me, decently informed and slightly numb.

For Several Fantastic Ways To Enjoy The Pre- Apocalypse, I’m going to explore the idea of the “Cone Of Indifference”. And include my "normal" array of rainbow powered toys, paintings, and sculptures.

There is will be a new stack of prints., and if we are lucky, a run of tenugui (japanese towel/hanky) depicting our moon as it leaves this Earth.

Hey Look. It's Plastic!

bwana spoons


What’s that scene from The Graduate? Plastics. The future is plastics son. Hmmmm lemme see if I can find the actual quote. here we go-

Mr. McGuire: I just want to say one word to you. Just one word.

Benjamin: Yes, sir.

Mr. McGuire: Are you listening?

Benjamin: Yes, I am.

Mr. McGuire: Plastics.

Benjamin: Exactly how do you mean?

Mr. McGuire: There's a great future in plastics. Think about it. Will you think about it?

For me, the future was and still is art and toys. Toys made out of anything floats my boat. I just love “play”, through toys is how I get to that place of play. Most toys, and mostly the ones I love are made from some form of plastic. In the future these will most likely be made out of fungi, and plant based materials, in the meantime I’ll continue to keep using what’s available to make these gems I love so much.

I see these as keepsakes that will be traded, sold, or kept and passed down for generations. So I’m not too worried about the impact these have on the earth, esp compared to the trillions of water bottles, water bottle CAPS, plastic lighters, and all this other throw away garbage we keep producing.

So this post is actually about plastic bags. I love the look of the traditional bag and header, seeing them all pinned up, or clipped on a wall makes me so happy. Making more throw away bags, does not make me happy. I am now a full 3 years out since my last order of a big stack of plastic bags, and my very LAST order from ULINE was 8 months ago. Time to move on. I feel like there are enough plastic bags on the earth, so I’m just giving little shout out to say, I won’t be buying anymore. From my stack three years ago I still have a pretty good quantity. Most now are off sizes, too big, Left over from a huge order scrappers made for something back in the early Grass Hut days, so my next “art job” purchase will probably be a heat sealer, that way I can just turn the big bags into whatever size I like. With all this in mind, some future releases could include fabric sewn bags, paper bags, or recycled shopping bags heat sealed to the correct size. A bread bag release? Yeah that would be pretty fun, I love all the different colors and graphics on breadbags.

Lastly, if you are a toy maker, or maker of anything that uses plastic bags. This post isn’t here to tell you you are doing it wrong, or to shame you in any way. I’m not telling you what to do, just letting my little community what I am up to.

Feel free to leave any thoughtful comment, and I’ll do my best to answer.

Machine Gun Ghost

bwana spoons

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It’s a Machine Gun Ghost kinda Friday.

It’s another great marvelous two in one team up with Bwana Spoons and Paul Kaiju. this time it’s all about his new buddy Machine Gun Ghost. 

Firstsies, Bwana designed a psychodelic disco powered time based art print. That’s right, time based. The print run is open for just 48 hours. However many are pre-ordered in that time is exactly how many prints will be made. this will be an 8.5 x 11 Giclee, signed and numbered by Bwana. $24 each, limit is 5 per human.

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Secondsies. Meet Tommy, our new bipedal SOB friend. this is a micro-run of 4, and it’s unlikely we will see anything other than a one off or two anytime in the future, so this is pretty much it. $50 each. Limit 1 per human.

Lastsies, but not leastsies, Bwana made 4 one-offs of Paul’s magnificently dorkongaluss Machine Gun Ghost standard sized vinyl. Sculpted by Paul, produced in Japan, painted by Bwana. 1 each per human. Price TBA

All released into the wild.

10am Pacific

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But which one?

bwana spoons

I found this old photo of a set up for one of my 3 3/4 Star Wars still life paintings.

I found this old photo of a set up for one of my 3 3/4 Star Wars still life paintings.

Last friday, after sitting on this stack of images for a good 7-8 years I released the first in my series of 3 3/4 vintage Star Wars action figure paintings. These are all based off the original Kenner figures from 78-84 (85?). I loved these little beasts, and still do. U sed to carry Snaggletooth hanging out of my front pants pocket, right out of those bell bottomed cords:)

Mostly 2009 - 2011 I did over 120 little, and a few big, paintings of this whole figure series. Deciding which one to do first was somehow a total no brainer. Deciding which piece to do second, for this Friday’s release suddenly became very difficult. Some pieces are very literal translations, some are very abstract. Some of the figures human faces are so weird and “off” that i remember struggling to make my artpiece still shine. Some pieces are literally just the butt of the figure, and are some of my favs, some look like i was having a bad day while I was painting, and some look just ridiculous.

What was so hard about picking the second piece? Well what if this ended before i got to do some of my most favorite ones. What if I just picked all my favs at the beginning, and didn’t leave any fireworks for the end? So I decided to kick week two off with a blast. Rocket firing Bobafett. Who doesn’t love boba? I love him, AND I still get to leave regular Bobafett for sometime down the road.

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Now. What will week 3 be? should I do another baller piece? Or a cluster of Lukes. There are so many Lukes. Snaggletooth is my favorite figure, but not my favorite painting, the greedo painting is fine, but not fantastic. Should i just make a new greedo painting? Shouldn’t a Greedo painting be 100% magic? Where is the cantina playset painting? I can’t find the image for that one.

No matter how i roll this out. i think the end result will be one hell of a print series. I’m looking forward to seeing how this all unfolds:)

Dear Terry

bwana spoons

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Terry and I are making a new zine. You can ask Terry anything here. ask about his personal life, what he eats, advice on any topic, and he will try to answer. I will pick 2-3 letters to publish in his letter column, and send zines to the published letters.

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