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Portland, OR

Gravy Logs

Meet Gilly

bwana spoons

Let’s meet Gilly. Interview by Bwana.


Let’s take a moment to meet Gilly. I had the chance to sit down with her this morning, and rattle off a few questions over cups of tea in her small backyard behind her shop and home. The sun was shinning and the eggplants were in a dancy mood. Running about and getting into trouble.

Bwana- So tell me a little about what’s going on here.

Gilly- What do you mean?

Bwana- Well it’s quite lively here in your backyard for 8:30 in the morning.

Gilly- Oh, well the sun came out and that always makes the eggplants a bit frisky. 

Bwana- Um, that’s not enough. Tell me more. Why are there so many Eggplants back here? Is your storefront some sort of front for an eggplant breeding program?

Gilly- Oh no, nothing like that. It’s just a hobby. I felt aweful for these lonely unanswered eggplant emojis. I adopted a few planted, and watered them, and things sort of took off from there. They are avid maters, and it went from a small handful to a couple hundred in just a few years. Now I can’t get rid of them. We hang out in the morning before I open up shop. I water, and feed them when I get up. We might have a cup of tea, and then go about our own business, but if the sun’s out. All bets are off. They just start dancing and getting busy.

Bwana- Ok. I think I understand a bit now. Let’s get to know more about you. What’s this shop? You live here too yeah?

Gilly- Yes. the shop is on the bottom floor, and I live upstairs. It’s not too bad, but I need to get out more, have more adventures. I think that’s how the eggplant thing started. I needed to get out of my daily rut. I love the shop though. I sell candy and drinks, and then it’s sorta a time capsule as you start digging around past the front counter. Old toys and stuff. I like to find old junk treasures and make them pretty again.

Bwana- And it’s called Grass Hut?

Gilly- Oh no, that’s the old sign from the last owners. I don’t know what they did here, but I have bamboo growing up through my wooden floors. I just haven’t decided what to name this place yet.

Bwana- How long have you been here?

Gilly- I think about a dozen years.

Bwana- … OK.

Let’s move on from here. What music do you like?

Gilly- My current favs are Killer Priest, Nidia, Koreatown Oddity. But I’ll listen to anything as background tunes on my tape player in the shop.

Bwana- Alright, how do you get around, what do you do to keep yourself limber?

Gilly- I like to ride my skateboard to thriftstores, and look for junk on the street for my shop. Sometimes I ride over to the Brazillion Millions and get a Mango Lasi, and a couple of Flan cups. Oh so yummy. Especially on a hot day. Sometimes I ride down to the beach and go for a swim. I can swim for days, literally.

Bwana- Well thank you Gilly. Anything else you have on your mind before I go?

Gilly- Thank you. this was fun. Don’t let any Eggplant sneak out with you. You’ll end up with your own farm.

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Any Reason To Not Work

bwana spoons


It seems the second half of 2020 and continuing on in to 2021. I’ll find any reason not to work. Somehow I’ve still managed to be somewhat productive. Yesterday the Snow/ice on everything started cracking and melting off of everything i na little sun, and warmer 34degree-ish temps. so I put my big boy pants on, went outside, and cleared some snow and ice off my outside workbench. After procrastinating nearly three weeks I did clean up on the Jelly Factory resins for Skulls club packages. Then scrubbed them all clean. No they are ready for drilling magnets, and final clean up and clear coat. I guess I’m still at least slightly capable of getting shit done:)

Bath time

Bath time

Malba & Fishstache & Booska this Friday

bwana spoons

Yellow yellow yellow.


This Friday 10am pacific, right here.

Malba makes his return. He’s been wandering the forest looking for fresh beats.

Fishstache makes his second appearance on a Malba body. This is the way. Fishstache is the creation of Andrew MacLean. If you don’t know his work, head over to your local Family Mart and buy a copy of Head Lopper!

Booska, oh how I love Booksa. Max Toy Co has generously granted a “Bwana” wish, to do a release of this wonderful sculpt. I am super jazzed.

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This Friday is gonna be alright. Lucky Bags! There will be three options.

1 Piece Meal will include either blank green glow Terry or Hooligan, or Baby Fly or Killer in Marbled slime and either a sticker or maybe a Morel Snacks Magnet.

2 Piece meal will include as the first figure either blank green glow Terry or Hooligan, or Baby Fly or Killer in Marbled slime. Second figure will be a mystery short run figure. And for sure both a sticker and Morel Snacks magnet.

3 Piece meal will include as the first figure either blank green glow Terry or Hooligan, or Baby Fly or Killer in Marbled slime. Second figure will be a mystery short run figure. Third figure will be a custom. Could be Killer, Baby Fly, Morel Snacks, Randall, Terry, or Hooligan. And you get a mystery small print, Killer Tadpole keychain, and Morel Snacks sticker.

Any questions please feel free to leave in the comments below.


Studio Flarsh Shmale!

bwana spoons



Hi peeps. Sometimes I just need to clear stuff out. I really dig all these guys. Some I’ve had for decades, some just a few years. Time for them to go play at some new homes, holmes. Double check that the piece or pieces you want are already claimed, and Dib it in the comments below. Prices include shipping and paypal fees in the states. International, you must have received something from me before successfully in the past to order any of these goodies. Prices. If I’m off base just shoot me an offer. Everything comes with free mild dust, scratches and scrapes from getting played with and displayed.

A. Jar of Radness $100 Bunch of random goodies. all funs!

B. Pollen Kaiser $200 Old treat from TAG

C. Gargamel Hedo $120 I’m glowy and very hard to find

D. Glow Max toy Booska $50 So cute PENDING

E. Gargamel Zag $120 PENDING

F. Yamomark Bazooka $150 One off by yours truly:)

G. Rainbowmoonfart $40 Lots of marker on this one.

H. Fossila $120

I. U.S. Toys Ultraman $80

J. U.S. Toys Bemlar or some such awesomeness $50

K. Dolphin Sheriff no hat $100 Expensive but I love him so much:) Sold & paid.

L. Ultra toy $14 neck joint has a bit of a warp

M. Vintage funky elephant $20

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Last day to get in on 2021 Skulls Club

bwana spoons

Today, Wednesday Jan 6th is the last day to get in on the Skulls And Rain Bones Society club. You get the Kit, occasional emails, news, and once in a while (like this Friday) exclusives or other bits of joy.

Thanks to everyone that already joined over the last week.


Skulls And Rain Bones Society 2021

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While i wait for some packing materials to show up, and get all these glorious orders out the door, I’ve been working on sculpts for 2021 Skulls memberships. I’m doing three beetle themed critters. around the same scale as most of my new buddies right now. There’s a Banana Beetle, Mama beetle (or papa beetle in drag?), and I’m bring back Frederick, who a few of you will remember in sofubi form from my days with Super 7. Frederick is actually my oldest running character. Predating Killer, and even Steven the Bat. Little Frederick started out in an old comic I did as a Dung beetle rolling a big ball of poop home for his family so they could eat for the winter. So little Freddie has changed a bit over the years.



Here’s a nice process shot. I’m working here on the underside of the Banana Beetle. For me roughing out all these shapes, and my first pass with the Sculpey before I bake it, is the easy part. The tricky part comes next. Sorta like the difference between a bad movie that is really good, and just a bad movie. Lots of sanding here, little bits of carving there. It’s all very time consuming, and tricky fixing some spots that may be too wonky for my eyeballs when finished. I almost never use any armatures. If I need to attach any sort of limb or horn, or in the case of the feets above. After i get the position right, i’ll poke holes as deep as i can go with a little awl, creating a solid bond between the two parts, then work on sealing up all the seems. Worst feeling (next to burning your entire sculpt) is breaking an arm or leg of after hours of sanding and smoothing, so I always try to get things to really stick to each other.


My last silly note of the day. See the sculpt on the right. I watched Kazu (Itokin Park) sculpt this Dolphin Zilla before my very eyes in less than an hour. The skills of a master carver/sculptor gives me inspiration, and a little jealousy. So sometimes when I’m sculpting I grab this guy off the shelf and stare at it.

thank you and shipping

bwana spoons



Really this is more of a touch base and shipping update. I am currently waiting on both shipping supplies and a few prints to show up. I totally forgot to order the Assle Castle Eat Shit print that comes with the Spooky Marbled release. But hopefully I will have this by the end of the week. I’m going to start shipping in earnest Wednesday or Thursday for things I don’t need to wait for a component to arrive in the mail so I can get out the mail. I am close to done with the painted run of Morel Snacks that ships blind with the other glow morel. All the blanks and marbled are put together, and all the Spooky Marbled releases are put together as well. Feels like home stretch on a bunch of releases here to get them all out the door.

I’m going to take a couple days here and focus on 2021 Skulls sculpt, and see where that takes me.



RAiNbOw fRiDAy

bwana spoons

Rainbow Friday is almost here

Rainbow Friday is almost here

Just a few days till Rainbow Friday. I put in a nice winters day of airbrushin’ and painting today for it. There will be two runs. RF Thunder Randall, and RF Morel Snacks. I’ll also have some one -offs, prints, and Original art up in the shop.

See you Friday 10am pacific, right here.

The Sun came out just a little between wind and rainstorms. Goom was stoked.

The Sun came out just a little between wind and rainstorms. Goom was stoked.

What's going on here?

bwana spoons


Hello peoples. Hope you are well on this Monday morning. I wanted to do a big update here. Hopefully some people will see it, blog and all. That’s so 2010. A great place to get a few thoughts out though and have them stick around.

This Friday will be Rainbow Friday. new print releases, and new Toys too. Painted releases of either Randall and Morel Snacks, orrrr Terry and Hooligan (new colors). I now have the glows and marbles for the Morel Snacks pre-orders, AND the Spooky Marbled pre-orders from early October. I realized early this morning while doing my chores, and a few hours before parent teacher conferences, that there is no way I’m going to get those out the door before these first holidays. So rather than stressing out about it, and rushing through the painted run, and one offs that are to come with the Morel Snacks. I’ll mellow out a bit, take my time, and do this with love. What’s one more week really?

Rainbow Friday release will either be free shipping as I believe most folks ordering would already be waiting on Spooky or Snacks pre-orders, or i will go back and refund shipping for anyone that has an outstanding order. I haven’t decided yet, but leaning towards just doing free shipping to save myself some work, and possible mix ups.

Wally- Wally my shipper is gone in Montana until at least March. We had a pretty good system worked out where i got things ready, and then biked them down to Grass Hut where he would pack and ship. Now I’m on my own for a bit. My daughter has been helping me with assembly, and she’s doing a pretty good job, but with school, and a teenager brain I don’t think she’s ready for the nuances of all that a shipping job has to offer.


My pricing. It is glaringly apparent to me that my prices are too low on all these guys. The y cost about the same if not more than some figures I would charge $44 or even $50 for, they are just smaller. Morel Snacks has 5 parts, which would be one part shy of Lonny or Jeff. And a bigger peak behind the curtains, I think slowly I’m loosing money not making money on these guys. Just scared to raise the prices. I like to think of myself as sorta the working persons toy maker. I sell things that are pricey sometimes, but in general try to keep things approachable. Long way to say, the prices will continue to inch up. Not because I’m trying to take advantage of anyone, but because I’d like to make a living at what I do for a living.

What’s next? Time to think about what I will do for 2021 Skulls members. Beth graves is sculpting 3 minis for me right now. Trashcan will be my next sculpt to finish up. I have drawings to send to Naoya of Globby for the next figure in this series with Randall, Terry and the gang. AND Gilly, The Dolphin Worker from the 2020 Skulls memberships that I made all the resin copies of, is done any day now at the metal mold maker. I should have a new batch of Puppy Killer, and Renee French’s Babyfly coming soon too.

If you have any questions about the above, or other bits, please feel free to comment. I kinda like to know that people are reading these. Stay safe, and i hope to see you in the nearish future.



bwana spoons

Scrappers art show Personal Growth opens at Grass Hut Art Market 400 NW Couch st portland Oregon.

Scrappers art show Personal Growth opens at Grass Hut Art Market 400 NW Couch st portland Oregon.

Online sales for Scrappers show 10am pacific. Here!

Online sales for Scrappers show 10am pacific. Here!

Pre-orders for spooky orange and black marbled Holligan, Terry, and Randall, along with a bitchin’ new print.

Pre-orders for spooky orange and black marbled Holligan, Terry, and Randall, along with a bitchin’ new print.

Personal Growth. New art by Scrappers

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Super pal, amazaballs artist, and my old partner in crime at Grass Hut is bringing back art to the walls of my brick and mortar location in Portland Oregon. After a solid 7 months without anything on the walls, really just a clump of boxes stacked up in a corner as I restructure how the shop would work, Scrappers is bringing some desperately needed visual stimulation. I miss seeing art so much, and I am more than jazzed to see all of Scrappers new works in person. Grass Hut is open 5 days a week right now, Tuesday thru Saturday with limited hours. We won’t have a public opening, in order to keep people as safe as possible. We will have online sales, Friday October 2nd at 10am pacific here on Goopygravy.

Rainbows, nude peoples, chunky wood, and the positive vibes we all need so much will be here soon. Thanks Scrappers!

Morel Snacks is coming! Or... The History of Funguys.

bwana spoons


Morel Snacks.

As I prepare for Fridays big pre-order launch  I thought I’d give a little bit of background about our new friend Morel, and also why? Why this funguy?

I’ve always had a love for Mushrooms. As a kid I ate a lot of mushrooms. It was one of the only “vegetables” (HA!) that my parents could get me to eat, so I got them a lot. Yum! As an adult my love for fungi has only grown. the idea that what we see is only a tiny portion of a vast network under the ground is mind boggling. 

These guys. Which came first? I think i had sculpted Morel Black and the suit off to Rampage to get made as a collab for us. We would both use the suit. But my sculpt of the suit was so bad, that I couldn’t send it. Meanwhile. I had a trip planned to visit my old boss Kiyoka Ikeda, owner/designer at Gargamel, in Fukuoka who had agreed to teach me how to do wax. 

WAX- after making an initial sculpt, out of whatever, a wax copy needs to be made, along with joints/plugs. These are the tubes used to pour the vinyl into the metal mold, and also serve as joints to fit the different pieces of a soft vinyl sculpture together. The wax copy of the sculpture goes thru an electroplating/metal mold process. Then, barring any accidents, or the factory loosing your metal mold. You have that for life.

Just days before the trip, Fukuoka got hit with a huge earthquake. Very gnarly. Kiyoka still asked me to go, I said only if I’m going to help, but we kinda just agreed that I would be more burden than help. 

So I ended up just staying in Tokyo with nothing to do, and Jon at Rampage stepped in. Gave me a place to stay, and helped me with my first wax project. This was for three micros Bigdog, Peter, and Little Boney (formerly Little Honey). Probably one of the best trips I’ve had to Japan. jon lived across from a temple, and every morning I would step out onto his tiny balcony and listen to chanting and bells, we would get pastries or make eggs, work for about 6 hours, and then go skate around the city, visit with friends, go to toy shops, and eat lots of yummy food. I think delivering the micros also might have been my first factory visit.

When i got home I completely resculpted the suit, and sent that off to Jon at rampage. The suit became the first home for Morel Black, and i think even though Morel Black and Bigdog came from different factories, and on different timelines. They both got finished up around the same time. That second sculpt of the suit still sucked, and jon had to do lots of work on it to make it right:)

Morel Snacks. I think he/they/she is Morel Black regenerated after a death of Black, Snacks blooms up out of the roots of Morel Black. Son, cousin, the same? We don’t know yet. But he’s here and ready to have some fun.

I’ve discovered that sometimes, you just want something done right. you know that old saying- “If you want something done right, just do it yourself”. Well that’s only partly true sometimes. My sculpting abilities doesn’t always match the vision in my head. I’m getting better, but having someone who really knows their stuff, can really help. So this will be the forth sculpt by master sculptor Naoya Ikeda. You might notice he has the same last name as Kiyoka. Naoya is Kiyoka’s younger brother, and has worked as part of/with Gargamel since the beginning. We get it mixed up sometimes who did what, but Naoya is responsible for about half of my old Gargamel sculpts, including Teenage Randall. 

I plotted some time ago, to start doing some Suns characters at a slightly smaller scale, but still with some decent articulation, sorta more uncommon at this size, and then decided to follow suit with characters from forest Island, and have them all be able to play together. 

I think we officially have a series now. Terry, Hooligan, Randall, and now Morel. I’ve already been scheming in my head for months who would be next, and begging Naoya to do another. Globby? Lonny? someone new?


bwana spoons

What a couple of truly fucked up weeks. I’m refraining from posting on instagram for the rest of the week about anything related to my work. But I’ll post a bit here. Hope you are all safe and healthy. I’ll save happy for another time.This week, whe…

What a couple of truly fucked up weeks.

I’m refraining from posting on instagram for the rest of the week about anything related to my work. But I’ll post a bit here. Hope you are all safe and healthy. I’ll save happy for another time.

This week, when I could focus on work. I started to get things together for Next Friday’s release. A nice cluster of Malba, and Morel Black, and some PK Brodarr mash ups. Maybe maybe some Faceguts fun. But all I’ve done so far is look at them a bunch:)

I started work on a “Killer Family”. This is a concept i have thought about for a while. Seems more important in this moment and time though. The idea is to make a little family unit, two adults and toddler, or something along those lines. I’m pretty far along with the papa, and getting into it, with the mama. When I’m ready I’ll launch a kickstarter for the set. I still have one last piece to finish for the pet portrait KS though, and it’s for someone I really like. So I want to be in the right headspace when i paint that last one.

Ok peeples. Sending out lots of rainbows and sunshine to you all.


Please and thank you and welcome back.

bwana spoons


Thanks to all of you for being patient while I move things around. Last week was a very mixed bag. Some good family time, me swinging from very happy to very grumpy all in the same day sometimes. My lady took a trip to the ER after a non covid health scare. She is totally fine, but had us a bit worried. My website went down (mostly my fault), and my printer broke. Just one of those weeks. Not bad at all in the big scheme of things, but this week definitely feels better, and feels really good to get back on track here with my Friday releases.

New name for the website I’ve had multiple good little bike rides with myself, my daughter, and with my pal Scrappers. Nice to reconnect.

The highlight of the week was having Naoya Ikeda, the sculptor of The new Private Hooligan & Terry, and the soon to be thunder Randall, agree to sculpt a Morel Black in the same size. JOY!!! Naoya was also the sculptor on more than a few of my Gargamel sculpts. teenage Randall, and a few others. So I’m head over heels about this. It will be expensive, but worth it.

If you are able. Please add the new Forest Island Gazette to your order, that is if you are ordering something:) It’s a labor of love. Just some silliness, but even just some silliness… something that you can flip through in 10 minutes can be hours and hours of work. So check it out man.

That’s my happy recap. glad to be back here in the same, but different place.

Welcome back.


the Happy couple shares Maythe4thbewithyou :)

bwana spoons

This Friday at 10am pacific here on Gravy Toys, and some similar time on Rampage Toys shop. I’m painting up a big load of Rampage toys, including Gyango, who I got to sculpt, a few standard Zillas, some mini mash ups, and even a few pieces from our …

This Friday at 10am pacific here on Gravy Toys, and some similar time on Rampage Toys shop.

I’m painting up a big load of Rampage toys, including Gyango, who I got to sculpt, a few standard Zillas, some mini mash ups, and even a few pieces from our lovechild PK. Check out Rampage’s instagram for all his releases of my works, including some of the elusive Morel Black.

Many Moons ago. I was commissioned to paint still lifes (lives?) of ALL the original Kenner Star Wars figures by a prominent collector. I have been doing print runs of these guys for a little bit, sorta leaking them out there one at a time. Here is …

Many Moons ago. I was commissioned to paint still lifes (lives?) of ALL the original Kenner Star Wars figures by a prominent collector. I have been doing print runs of these guys for a little bit, sorta leaking them out there one at a time. Here is one I’ve been holding back on, as it’s one of my favorites. I LOVE Dewbacks.

Funny Sail

bwana spoons

I just got a nice new load of goodies, and now I want a new Lego set, so it’s time to let a few things find some new homes. Maybe yours. Call dibs in the comment section and then email me to follow through on payment at pelicanmist at gmail dot comA…

I just got a nice new load of goodies, and now I want a new Lego set, so it’s time to let a few things find some new homes. Maybe yours. Call dibs in the comment section and then email me to follow through on payment at pelicanmist at gmail dot com

A. $25 Sold. Sunguts sweet ass tongue.

B. $16 Ultra pendant. vintage and pretty scuffed. Sold.

C. $75 Secret Base Skullbee hopper with Henshin repro figure. There ain’t no feets or hands under the suit bits.

D. $28 Mummyboy. Played with a bit.

E. $36 Rainbowman guy. Kinda beat up but damn, it’s rainbowy.

F. $26 Sold. Biskup totembirdzarrr.

G. $36 U.S. toys fun. Sold.

H. $36 Ilu Ilu finger jammer owl. Sold

I. $80 PK exohead dude. I really love this but so torn about putting it together that it just sat all lonely in a jar. you should have this. Sold.

J. $30 Vintage Robocon dude. Sold.

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Oh hello there. Friday March 27th. Big drop.

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Hi peoples. I hope you are all doing alright.

I am very much a hermit, happy to work all day alone, but I am already missing all the travel, artshows, and festivals I had planned on going to this year. Some of my bestest friends are people I only see in person a few times a year. At home, we had a big talk at the beginning of February this year about how this might be a crazy one, but I had art and travel in mind. For now, instead of doing a release every Friday I’m going to try and do them every 2-3 weeks. limiting shipping a bit, and clumping things together into mighty groups.

So next Friday March 27th. I’ll do a big webshoppe drop. Terry and Hooligans, PK x Bwana Skull crabbies, Brand new Randall tees, and maybe even another goody or two.

Randall crews will start shipping soon.

Big fat shout out, and thank you to everyone that has been so supportive of my art endeavors over the years and now. Hoping some of you are still super jazzed about next Friday’s Jam too.

