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Portland, OR

Gravy Logs

Munktiki Reapers are coming

bwana spoons

Somedays I feel like one lucky donkey. Getting to work on goodies, and occasionally collaborate with Munktiki is definitely a highlight. I'm not sure just when or where. But I thinks on the munktiki webshop, and I thinks this weekend I will have a batch of 10 Munktiki reaper one-offs for your happy pleasure. And directly following, first grabs at my new Bamboobuggery mug vessels. Stay tuned to here and my instagrammy @bananapoons for updates. Rad couple of weeks here this fall.

Cyborg Stardust Coloring Contest

bwana spoons

Hey there boys and girls from age 1 - 99 and up. Ready to have some fun? It's the Cyborg Stardust Coloring Contest.

Dem Rules. They soooo simple.

1. Print this page out and color it, or just digicolor this action.

2. Have hella fun, but since it's all ages, please do not have some gnarly genetalia flapping all about.

3. Complete and post your colorized version of Cyborg Stardust on or before October 31st. One lucky rat will win the original colored drawing of cyborg Stardust by yours truly, Bwana Spoons. Tag your post wherever it may be with #cyborgstardust #sunsofbrodarr and #gravytoys or any one of those:)

4. The fine print. I want slash need at least 20 completed entries or no prize. If there is a big fat load of entries, well then I will add some more awesome prizes. So share this with your friends, and color that action.

here's a nice big version to print out

Hallows Eve Steven and Frederick One - Offs

bwana spoons

At the crack of early Friday morning pacific time I will be releasing a batch of one off Steven and Frederick on are all handpaint style harking backward before the era when the airbrush was my main tool. These were all made with…

At the crack of early Friday morning pacific time I will be releasing a batch of one off Steven and Frederick on

These are all handpaint style harking backward before the era when the airbrush was my main tool. These were all made with green and orange base colors and then lots of layering while listening to the beat of the Boredoms drums.

I will also be releasing new prints on and

Hope you dig them as much as I do.
Happy Halloween.

Time to make the dooughhh nuts. Back from NYCC

bwana spoons

Just a small bit of the awesomeness inside the Radabonzical mixed parts blind bags.FAQ answers. Yes. There are both blanks and painted in the same blind bags. There are not two different releases for this. Yes. It is totally Radabonzical. yes. all n…

Just a small bit of the awesomeness inside the Radabonzical mixed parts blind bags.

FAQ answers. Yes. There are both blanks and painted in the same blind bags. There are not two different releases for this. Yes. It is totally Radabonzical. yes. all nine characters are hidden within.

Plus there is a new Eyebora release, and the Hobo Gravy Shogun.

Everything is COMING!

bwana spoons

Pachibots, Sidewalk Surfer, and farthead keshi all first available now at the new Brick and Mortar Good Gravy. 400 NW couch st in Downtown Portland Oregon. Remaining stock will come here one week from this thursday if there is anything still up for grabs.

Aqualox, Garak, and Paulo are on their way from Japan!


bwana spoons

What is the nonsense above in that title? SOB-03-BX-TYPE.

Suns Of Brodarr, third edition, box type figure set. Makes more sense now right. At least a little right, in particular if you have SOB-01-BX-TYPE, or SOB-02-BX-TYPE. SOB-01 was a boxed Private Hooligan release, SOB-02 was a boxed resin Jeff release.

Those first two releases were so rad, why isn't everything boxed?

Well I go back and forth on this topic. I don't think I want 1000 of the same boxes. Meaning if I want somebody else to make my box, I would need to order a minimum of 500, prolly 1000. And if i make them all by hand like the previous two boxed releases, and this upcoming one i think i would go crazy. It takes a little more brain power and time than I am capable of.

So why bother at all then?

Because I love a beautiful boxed toy. So much so that I have collected several boxed vintage pieces over the years, just based on the box design. I love them!

Hope you guys will dig how this latest boxed piece will turn out. SOB-03-BX-TYPE

Unchi Unchiman. I wanna be, your Unchiman

bwana spoons

Friday at 10am pacific right here y'all. I will have 9 Unchiman One-Offs. Sprays and handpaint on mixed parts red, olive, and black vinyl. It looks a nice. Unchiman is designed by Paul Kaiju. These turds were painted by me, Bwana Spoons. Unchiman cu…

Friday at 10am pacific right here y'all. I will have 9 Unchiman One-Offs. Sprays and handpaint on mixed parts red, olive, and black vinyl. It looks a nice. Unchiman is designed by Paul Kaiju. These turds were painted by me, Bwana Spoons. Unchiman customs will come packagedin a traditional bag and header... only there will be a little one pager comic about the origin of unchiman (or my take on the origin) packed up inside the header.

This Saturday at Gunzo SDCC

bwana spoons

Molten glowering lonny

Molten glowering lonny

Hand paints mixed parts

Hand paints mixed parts

mixed parts blank

mixed parts blank

custom pile up

custom pile up



Alrighty. Here's the line up for the Gunzo event this weekend.

First Up- SDCC Gunzo Blind Bags. Suns Of Brodarr mixed parts blind bag madness. Jeff, Quiller, Private Hooligan, Lonny, Kamisama, Terry King Bootlegger, and Drizzleshits. More are blanks, less are painted similar but all different from each other, and even less are full frontal mash ups. Oh.... and htere are three chase customs on wackadoodle marbled vinyl.

Molten Glowery lonny. Spray and hand painted elements on pink glow vinyl.

Major custom Load.

Micro custom pile up of Eyebora, Thundara, Clawbora, and Poisonbloom.

Brodarrland tee.

Bigboy Funzone number 2 Comic.

Most likely some more awesomeness!


FlipOut Friday

bwana spoons

Order big or small and you will get 25% off today. Use Coupon code: faderday

Have an awesome friday, and papas out there have yourself a super Father's Day!

Brodarrfest update

bwana spoons

Precious gems are on their way from all over the states, and even this piece of Magic all the way from the land down under. A Drizzz family Portrait by Mel Stringer. Fuckin' Stoked!

Now Brodarrfest U.S. is less than a week away. I remember the giddy feeling that this was all going to be really fun when I started drawing Jeff, and then his backstory started coming into focus. I had just a few early supporters that figured they would dive in at the time I put Jeff into production, and it sorta stayed that way for a bit. Jeff officially debuted at SDCC 2013 and I remember lots of folks not familiar with my toys gravitating toward him, but not yet knowing what to do with Jeff. And we zoom into the future to SDCC 2014 post kickstarter, but still the first public release of Quiller, Lonny, Kamisama, and Private Hooligan. The response was Awesome! Now there was a whole crew of characters to interact with each other, play, and love, and fight. The most awesome news about that first public release of the new gang was that there was no one character that everybody had to have. The surprise response was how many people dug Private Hooligan, a dude that was/is very real to me, but had just been sprung out there for people to dig or not dig.

Here we are June 2015, 4 new characters in the works. One of those, Drizzleshits, who is the third core brother along with Jeff, and Lonny, who will make his public debut at Brodarrfest U.S. this saturday at FOE Gallery in Northampton MA. this is also the first time that I get to have multiple peoples play with the gang, doing paintings, and customs, and I have that giddy feeling again.

John Black's flipping stellar contribution for the show at FOE. And in related news. He is also the winner of the name that mushroom contest. More on that later.

John Black's flipping stellar contribution for the show at FOE. And in related news. He is also the winner of the name that mushroom contest. More on that later.

I can feeeel Brodarrfest fever building

bwana spoons

I finished up two short runs for Brodarrfest. Maybe my favs so far. All are very glowy. I'll try to snap a few nightshots soon. Now i am putting my focus on framing some of my 2-D works. I bought a new tablesaw and feel ready to rip. Still a lot of work to do. Need to finish up the Ramenshop, and a lot of work to do on customs. I have new stickers at the printer right now.
Have you seen some of the other artists creations for this event at FOE... the first ones are trickling out there. They are looking sooo good. I can't wait to see them all together in person.