Gravy Logs
bwana spoons
WAVE ONE. This Friday at 10am. Goods both old and new. Japan part one plus some gems that have been hidden away. This one is going to be fun. One part magic, one part the gathering!
Thrash Out show at Hugest.
bwana spoons
I'll try to keep you updated about the Thrash Out show here... As far as i can tell. If the kumamoto airport is open. Gargamel guys will make it. Backtracking.... Japan has had some major earthquakes. Tokyo is fine, but Kumamoto, where Gargamel lives was hit really hard.
Gargamel Gang is safe and in good health. But if big aftershocks keep coming, the airport could remain closed.
Here's some fun they wrote on their blog about the show.
毎年のこの季節になると、まだか?まだなのか?やれるのか?と問い合わせを多々頂いております恒例の日本国内での個展=”THE THRASH OUT SHOW”の開催が遂に!!!決定致しました!!!
Spring has come!! highly motivated Gargamel from Kumamoto, Kyushu right here!
So many people keep asking us “ When!? ” “ You going to!? ” “ Will you?! ” about this season…
THE THRASH OUT SHOW finally set the date!!!
We just released NEW “Gargamel’s Votoms Soft Vinyl Series” and our first ever plastic model kit “Radio Tower Robot”!! Both are so popular and thank you guys for your support!
However; we are not only working on development of robots, but also never stop! keep on! working on! making customs with overflowed energy!! Of course we joined overseas’ custom show too!
This is Gargamel’s compilation of works or even more, you’ll see nonstandard of revolution!!
Please come and check our un-copyable idea + skills by your own eyes!
*More info about selling items will be given later on.
Thrashout Showに併せてBwanaも平面+立体作品でマッスルドッキング致します◎
Guess what!? Guess who’s back!?
Portland’s Beard Fairy Bwana Spoons will be join the show!!
His awesome 2D and 3D works will be shown!
Last time he had show in Japan was 6 years ago, Don’t miss it this time!!!
More info about Bwana Spoons, please check the link below.
2016年4月23日(土) 14:00~19:00迄
※ 開場30分前に整理券を配布致します。
※ 事故・トラブル防止の為、前日及び当日早朝にお並びになるのはご遠慮下さい。
April 23rd 2016 (Saturday) 14:00~19:00
*30min before the show opens, we’ll given the numbered ticket to get in.
*Please DO NOT line up early morning or before the night.
東京都足立区千住1-23-14 大倭ビル#102
Senju 1-23-14
Ohwa Bldg #102
Adachi, Tokyo, 120-0034
The show is only April 23rd. We would like many people to enjoy the show and checking customs. because of it, pick up time of the customs will be 17:00~.
About the show:
Custom works (Soft vinyl figure) of Kiyoka Ikeda, Naoya Ikeda, and Bwana Spoons, show and sell.
Translation : Terrible Whore
Hugest ThrashOut show and Superfest 71 in Tokyo
bwana spoons
Saturday April 23rd Gargamel and I will have a show at Hugest in Tokyo. I will have several new customs and original art at Hugest. I made new fully loaded sticker packs, new bandana, print, and totes. Hugest is also producing a shirt with my arts. Take of Huge Blocks and I are both basketball fans, so it's time for us to have some fun.
Customs include a wide splay of Gargamel and gravy variety:)
Superfestival 71 Sunday April 24th I'll have a host of other goodies up for grabs. Black Glow Cyborg stardust, glow micro killers, crabora, stankor, maybe trans neon pink blanks of the three newest additions to the family. I will be sharing tables with Cometdebris, Astrozombies, Takeshit, Pop Soda, and maybe Shirahama.
Double bonus points, at the Rampage table there's a pretty decent chance there will be the newest newest Suns of Brodarr collab. a cobranded release of Rampage's Dino, and my new Morel Black!
The gang
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here's the whole gang as it now stands. these guys put up quite a fight on this photo shoot, but i finally got them to stand still for a moment.
bwana spoons
Last days for Prenute and now there's Terry!
bwana spoons
Earth Savage Ronda
bwana spoons
Earth Savage Ronda.
I’ve had this idea rolling around my head for a few years, this image of barbaric dudes that live on Earth.
The Suns of Brodarr have been trying for ages to make it to Earth so they could eat it’s delicious melty core, a delicacy on Brodarr.
When they do make it to earth, the dudes end up mostly just doing the same thing they like to do on space, getting loaded and partying, and wrecking shit all around them left and right.
The Earth Savages are just a wee bit irked about all this.
Now we get to meet the first lady created for this line, Earth Savage Ronda. She enjoys tearing off Jeff’s ears with her barehands, lopping heads with her bonesword, and long walks on the beach.
I’ve been working on the sculpt, and she’s near-isa complete. After these pics, I redid her strap, and fixed a mega crack on her chest. I used a big solid hunk of old clay for her torso, and it keeps cracking overtime i bake her. lots of finish work to do on her… but getting pretty close.
Three new vinyl buddies!
bwana spoons
Ok… big news.
We have three new characters on their way.
Prenute by Tim Biskup. This guy covers two firsts. It’s the very first GT piece, thatisn’t one of my designs or a collaborative character.
And this is Tim’s first toy produced in several years.
Ugly with Parking Meter Basher Suns Of Brodarr dude by Uglydoll.
Terri King Bootlegger Suns Of Brodarr dude.
All three of these guys will be offered up as pre-orders in the next weeks here. this will be your chance to grab the first official colorway (There is a goofy limited amount being made right now before I have even seen the testshots, so I can hopefully have some new amazing bits to show off at Superfestival this April.).
There will be a limit of 1 (of each character) per household.
Look for the first to drop by this Friday. With subsequent releases each following Friday. I don’t want to overload you guys with too much at once.
If your planning on ordering all three, or even more than one of the characters, after your first order you will get a coupon for 15% towards your next order so you won’t need to be double glonked on shipping charges.
Fun? Hell Yes! Now we just have to wait.
bwana spoons
Still a couple of these party puppies need homes. Sloths, Tapirs, and Killers all go out on thursday. Woohoo!
Neon Shizzle Walking killer
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This Friday. 10am pacific time. New Walking Killers. Banana, green, and rooter sprays with handprint and touches of tinsel sprays on neon pink vinyl.
Holy cock n Balls
bwana spoons
Radical news seems to be flying in at a rapid pace this week.
Firstsies. The Cyborg Stardust have officially launched from their pad in Japan. The rare en route. i think i will see them this Saturday. I'll share pics when they do show up.
The above Paulo the Moonlight Kreeper is a custom for a Battle Set that CAST just finished up for a Clutter show. I think it opens mid March.
Got news from both Rampage Toys and Gargamel about new sculpts we are working on. Pics and real details on those later. Now let's go have an awesome rest of the week.
bwana spoons
Super good news pile here on Gravy.
First let's start with the 2.0 re-up of the old massage bored. It's back up! If you were a member before your old user name ect. is all still there. If not, sign up and say hi. It's right here at good Good gravy was (as the grass hut massage bored) and will be a place to talk about and find info on your favorite toys and artists, and unlike FB groups easier to re-find when you want. Butanohana nerds this is the place to restart your wants for new releases list. Gravy nerds, great place to ask questions, and get info for past releases, news about new releases.
Next. My Skullbrain X release. Not sure if this is up for grabs now or not yet. But head over to Skullbrain if you want to get in on this. Painted Lonny on milky pink vinyl.
Over the weekend I received news that the new Gravy Toys Biskup vinyl is finishing up all the wax bits, so we should see a testshot or two in the next 2-3 weeks. I call him Peanut. His real birth Tim given name though, is Prenute. pronounced PREH- NOOT. This sexy little vinyl to be will have two firsts. Prenute will be Gravy Toys very first non-bwana toy. Meaning it's not a collab. This vinyl piece is wholly created by Tim Biskup. This is also his first toy, in.... 7 years? What do you think? Let me know on the Good gravy Forum.
We are going to be celebrating the release of TB's new friend into this world with some treasures from the archives up on so keep your eyeballs peeled for some fun bits in the shop over the next couple of weeks here.
Next. Neon Pink Killer! I'll be releasing a painted version out into the wild this Friday. The pink is shockingly bright, and I am so excited that I get to paint these and get them into your hands.
Cyborg Stardust pre-order from way way back. These are finally coming. I should have them in my hands within the next week. Took quite a while to get the marbled bits done, but these are finally on their way. if you ordered one. Yo are Aces, after I get these together I will start getting shipments out. If you didn't get one talk to your local awesomer. Super 7, Rotofugi, Toy Tokyo, Angel Abby, and Rampage Toys. I may have a few as well here on Gravy Toys, but first I need to make sure the shops and personal orders all get theirs. FUN!
Teenage Randall stock
bwana spoons
Slight mix up with the stock numbers. Somebody tried to order 6. Instead of being a total meanie and just refunding the whole order. I refunded them for 4. (only two allowed per family). But that doesn't automatically put the stock back in the shop. i did that manually... and tried to adjust for anybody that might be making an order at the moment I was putting them back in stock.
What I am saying is. after these sell out there maybe be an extra or two. if there is, then I will put them back in the shop. So if you see the sold out sign. Come back. There may be a few more going up.
Edit. Stock is now ON POINT:) So when it says sold out. It's really sold out. 3 left now as of 12:47pm.
Silver Moon Teenage Randall and friends.
bwana spoons
Silver Moon Teenage Randall. Tuesday Feb 9th at 10am Pacific right here on Gravy Toys. Lovers and lonely hearts, these will ship later the same day so you can get them by valentine's day.
Trans Smoke Suns of Brodarr this Friday
bwana spoons
Smokey trans glittery funzone. This Friday at 10am pacific these beauties will be up for sale here on Gravy Toys. These dudes will be blind packaged. possible Brodarr scores will include, Jeff, Lonny, Drizz, Kamisama by T9G, Quiller by Paul Kaiju, and Private Hooligan. Hardest buddies to get would be Quiller, and Jeff. Prolly highest percentage of Lonny and Drizzzzzzz.
Thanks new and returning skulls!
bwana spoons
Here's the old original drawing from the last time I had made a new Skulls And Rainbones Society Tee. Big thanks to new members and returning peeps. Talk to you all soon.
Fumetsu by Cop A Squat Toys Gravy exclusive
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Pretty honored over here at lil ol Gravy Toys to get our own Fumetsu colorway.
Clockwise from top right Vinge, Neumann, Kurzweil, and Erewhon. These will come in packs of two and each set comes with an enamel pin. Really stoked on these sculpts. Paints are on glowy vinyl, and really pop, in hand.
New Skulls memberships are open
bwana spoons
Hellooo Gravy Peoples.
bwana spoons
Hellllooo Gravy peeps!
Haven't put anything new up in the shop in a few weeks. Should have those DCON goodies in the next couple days here. Taking a short break from new releases while I work on a new Skulls And Rainbones Society package. Going to be changing things up with the SARBS here in the new year. And will only have memberships open once a year.
Working diligently on new sculpts with Uglydoll and Tim Biskup.
Along with some new radical turtleness for our Brodarr peeps to drive!
Cyborg Stardust have officially been ordered. We should have all the blindbag pre-orders by mid January. fingers crossed.
Hope y'all are having some stellar winter fun.