Attachment issues house cleaning sale
bwana spoons
attachment issues sale
I really love all these toys. but it’s time for them to find new homes so I can enjoy bringing some new beasts into mine. Most do not have header cards. all have been displayed in my home or studio, and some have been played with, some a lot.
Dibs or claim in comments below. first come first served. Be paypal ready. price includes pp fees, but not shipping. Once you have confirmed with me via comment thread. Let’s email each other pelicanmist at g mail dot com
A. Booska $250 This was a release from 5Points last year. I have another of this sculpt, so I’m setting this one free.
B. Crystal Mech by S7. $100 There’s a Microman hiding inside. You can have him too. Clear is a bit cloudy.
C. Zollmen Galtan. Sorry this is trade only. Not for sale. I’m looking for Zollment Antlar type, older hard to come by Butanohana, Nostalic Heroes Booska, some… vintage vinyl.
D. Chima Group Kanikoro $66 This is one of my favorite sculpts over the last few years. I have a few more. This one is ready to move on.
Sold Pending E. Sunguts Nakira $70
F. NHK Mouse $60
Sold Pending G. Elle the Elephant $70
Sold Pending H. Cowboy Bear with sack of gold coins $36 Save your money, don’t buy this. It’s not cute. You will be bummed.
I. Gegege No Kitaro Baba $44
Sold Pending J. Sailor Bear $36 Also not cute. Don’t buy it. You’ll just feel sad that you have this ugly bear..
Sold Pending K. Little King Joe $36. I bought this one for a friend, but I don’t think she cares about King Joe anymore. At least not as much as you or I.
Sold Pending L. Worm Burger $36. Cool old toy from an Osaka maker.
Sold Pending M. Mini Kame $36 my Yamomark.
Sold Pending N. T9G one off $120. I have a couple. Time to let this one fly.
Sold Pending O. Refreshment Toys little guy $36
Sold Pending P. Refreshment Toys kitty cupcake. $46
Sold Pending Q. Mini Hedorah $55 this is aweful. You don’t want it. Why bother. You just feel bad. The sprays are horrible, it’s a dumb color.
Thank you.
detail shot
finish :)