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Portland, OR

Gravy Logs

Attachment issues house cleaning sale

bwana spoons

attachment issues sale

I really love all these toys. but it’s time for them to find new homes so I can enjoy bringing some new beasts into mine. Most do not have header cards. all have been displayed in my home or studio, and some have been played with, some a lot.

Dibs or claim in comments below. first come first served. Be paypal ready. price includes pp fees, but not shipping. Once you have confirmed with me via comment thread. Let’s email each other pelicanmist at g mail dot com

A. Booska $250 This was a release from 5Points last year. I have another of this sculpt, so I’m setting this one free.

B. Crystal Mech by S7. $100 There’s a Microman hiding inside. You can have him too. Clear is a bit cloudy.

C. Zollmen Galtan. Sorry this is trade only. Not for sale. I’m looking for Zollment Antlar type, older hard to come by Butanohana, Nostalic Heroes Booska, some… vintage vinyl.

D. Chima Group Kanikoro $66 This is one of my favorite sculpts over the last few years. I have a few more. This one is ready to move on.

Sold Pending E. Sunguts Nakira $70

F. NHK Mouse $60

Sold Pending G. Elle the Elephant $70

Sold Pending H. Cowboy Bear with sack of gold coins $36 Save your money, don’t buy this. It’s not cute. You will be bummed.

I. Gegege No Kitaro Baba $44

Sold Pending J. Sailor Bear $36 Also not cute. Don’t buy it. You’ll just feel sad that you have this ugly bear..

Sold Pending K. Little King Joe $36. I bought this one for a friend, but I don’t think she cares about King Joe anymore. At least not as much as you or I.

Sold Pending L. Worm Burger $36. Cool old toy from an Osaka maker.

Sold Pending M. Mini Kame $36 my Yamomark.

Sold Pending N. T9G one off $120. I have a couple. Time to let this one fly.

Sold Pending O. Refreshment Toys little guy $36

Sold Pending P. Refreshment Toys kitty cupcake. $46

Sold Pending Q. Mini Hedorah $55 this is aweful. You don’t want it. Why bother. You just feel bad. The sprays are horrible, it’s a dumb color.

Thank you.


detail shot

finish :)

Getting close to Gamjam! time

bwana spoons

We are exactly 3 weeks from the Grass Hut Art Market. I’m scared and excited. So many things to do. Art seems to be rolling in from the OUTTA TOWN CREW almost daily. I received both Gumtaro and Hariken’s work this week. Local vendors are just about filled up for the space we have booked. Today I’m finishing up the advance tickets preorders jazz as well. Those should be up tonight. Fun!!!

Grass Hut Art Market is coming

bwana spoons

Holy moly. Can you believe this is actually happening. What a forkin’ line up. I’m so excited for this sweet ass Gamjam!

The way we have it set up now. Friday October 28th we will have the monster pageant. Sorta half catwalk runway show for weirdos, half dance party. You can also preview the outta town crew goods at this time, but no purchases.

Then Saturday from Noon -7pm will be the Grass Hut Art Market. Inside Floating world we will have the Martin Ontiveros Mini show, and Deth P Sun mini show, and FWC will have their own Josh Simmons Book release and artshow as well.

Right next door to FWC is where the Grass Hut Art Market will take place. Andrew MAcLean, the Outta Town crew, and roughly 20-30 local vendors. Local makers will be a mix of comics, toy makers, Illustrators, and artists. TBA a few drawing lessons, and or lecture performances.

Wow… just wow. I’ve always wanted to do something like this. I did Brodarrfest a couple of times, but these were both inside someone else’s space, and more like a singular themed artshow.

This is a whole array of planning and work that I haven’t taken on before. Spread the word, and wish me luck to make this successful for everyone involved.

Oh is that a Giant Kanegon in your pocket? & new tees!

bwana spoons

Here Comes Kanegon. I’ve been hunting for this giant baby for quite some time. First, just trying to find one these days, and then, one that I can afford. It’s tricky, so I’ve been quietly asking around for a bit now. This beast was made by M1. I think there are 3 runs, an initial run in blue (i’m not sure of the year. Maybe someone can chime in, in the comments section and let us know.), a second blue run, and at that time, there was also a glow run. How many were made I don’t know. How many made it to the states… well, less. I’ve seen them in 3 homes, one of which has a second unassembled glow. Maybe 4 homes… I’m trying to remember if Mark Nagata has one? I’m always so mesmerized by all his other Ultra magic, this could have easily just camo’d into the background. I was told that Mark Ryden has one… so that would even be one in the Portland area. anywhooo…. in the states these are very hard to come by.

So I’m going to get this little baby, about 4ft tall, and put him on display at Grass Hut after I touch him up a bit. He’s got a LOT of scuffs. This way we can all enjoy the magic that is Kanegon.

Who or what is Kanegon? He or it, appears in his own episode of the show Ultra Q, which is a beautiful adaptation of Twilight zone and Outer Limits, but only with more monsters. The Kanegon episode is all about the pitfalls of greed and wants. Kaneo (I think I have his name right), is the king of this kinda awful gang of kids, who are all selling trash to each other, trying to make a buck. The kids find a tiny (which would still be huge in real life) cocoon. It has a tiny bit of coins inside its fuzzy shell. Kaneo takes it for himself, hoping to grow more coins in the cocoon. It does, and when he reaches inside, he’s trapped, and then birthed the next morning from the cocoon as Kanegon, who will run out of energy and die if he doesn’t constantly consume more coins. Funny, or sad, or just ironic, that I covet this massive piece of plastic so much, that I would do just about anything to get it. Just like Kaneo did. Will I turn into a Kanegon?

In anticipationand inspiration of Giant Kanegon coming home to papa, and wondering if I myself may turn into one (a Kanegon). I’m making a new tee, partly as a fun raiser for my new toy. Will you buy my new Grass Hut tee “Take A Wiff”? It’s for a good cause:)

These will be up in the webshoppe Friday 10am pacific.

Skulls 2022 and hello from SF

bwana spoons

Hello peoples of earth. Tomorrow I’m going to open up Skulls memberships for 2022. Here’s me in a near current state of bliss. I got a new skateboard to roll around for a bit in SF. I’ve been lucky enough to have a bit of a vacation here. In the weeks leading up to this state of happiness. It sorta felt like one thing after another wasn’t quite working out right. The final straw was messing up my drawing hand wrestling with some silicone molds that I wasn’t happy with. It’s a week out and it’s still not healed up right. I can use it, painting and drawing and dishdoggin’, but it still hurts.

So a follow up on an IG post about going with my gut. This year Skulls packages will be vinyl. It will mean some waiting, and it will mean the goodies will be really beautiful, and not my normal folkmess resin work. I think this will also give me some more time to heal my fudged hand when I get back home.

2022 skulls package will include Trashcan, with some very light sprays, just enough so you can see details. Vinyl color will be a total mystery. Whatever the factory has when Trashcan arrives from the metal mold maker to the factory. I think this will help with speed. You will also get an 8x10 Trashcan goes to school in the morning print, and a new sticker. I also already made Trashcan datacards, so that will be included as well. My best guess is April these will ship to you. But could be as early as Feb, or as late as June. Just depends on how busy the metal mold maker is, and or how backed up the factory is, the wind, shipping from Japan, Omicron, the new Ohsharts variant, flashfloods and whatever other hurdles and turdles get in our way.

Hope you all have a safe and wonderful bucket of holidays.

here’s some more pics from mine.

Skulls And Rain Bones Society 2022

bwana spoons

I’m working on our new SARBS memberships now. I’ll open the gates tomorrow at 10am. things aren’t close to ready yet. I’ve got the molds for these three little boogers, Gilly, Benny (not Banny), Trina, and a Banorah. It will be a blind assortment. The first three, which are also the next batch of Little Chonks will be two parts. Maybe magnets or other joint, maybe just stuck together as a sold hunk:) The Banorah will be one piece. These are all cast in resin, by me. All will be different colors, some marbled some solid, some with magical imperfections.

There may also be a way to add the chibi volcano in here too. I haven’t yet worked it out yet though how that will work.

The Skulls membership packages will also come with a new bandanna and print design. I haven’t even started these yet… although I have some ideas of what I want to do. I have defintely been a part of the Slow Poke Club these past couple of weeks. Lots of hicups and bumps in the road lately. Nothing major, just things that set me back a day or two here, and then another day or two there.

I’m looking forward to seeing returning faces, and meeting some new ones in 2022.

What you will get- All the above awesomeness. roughly 10-20 emails with sneeky info, updates, and newsy bits for the year. And you will get at least 1 exclusive, but usually more.

Don’t bite your toys.

What's your pandemic collection

bwana spoons

Droid factory!

I started with bikes, then moved on to N scale trains, and rebuilding and displaying my Sofubi collection, and then I moved back into a Vintage Star Wars zone. What obsession has driven you the past year and a half? Tell me about it in the comments below. And of course. If you have vintage Star Wars, drop me a line.

A sweet and Sour Interview

bwana spoons

It’s out first show at Grass Hut since fo-ever. I thought it would be nice to do a little Q & A with this month’s artist Kimmongni, but we just say Minji.

Minji is a plush and vinyl artist from South Korea. I fell in love with her work in 2019 when she came to visit the states for DCON in Los Angeles. The amount of expression achieved with just a couple hands, and an open smile is just, well… beyond.

You work with some many different materials.

What is the most fun or rewarding, and what is the biggest pain in the butt to work with?

Every moment of my work is fun (this is too good answer? haha) and my favorite process is to make "Emotion".
My work always covers own eyes, but they can make various facial expressions through them mouth.

So sometimes, it ‘s hard because I always want to contain 'pleasant' feelings to them.

Where was your very first artshow? How did it happen?

My first art show was my university graduation exhibition.
In fact, I majored in illustration, but I enjoyed talking in sculpture more than painting.
My work was the beginning of "drawing," which reflects my emotions and situation at that time.

Sometimes when I talk to my college friends, I joke that 'I still don't think I graduated.' Because it's still going on.

What is your biggest influence? This could be an artist, or something in nature. An object, or music. The answer is up to you.

The biggest influence on me is music.

I look for and listen to music similar to what I felt, the color I saw on a walk, or the weather of the day. If I find good music, I always look for the music video.

So… Translator app is my best friend. it is essential as I listen to music from various countries.

You live in Seoul. Is this where you grew up? Tell me a childhood memory.

I live in Seoul now, but I was born and raised in a small city called "Iksan".

I didn't have a brother, so I could take all the toys by myself. (YEAHHHHH)
Picture books and radio, my mom and dad were my first world.

I liked coloring, so I carried crayons around. My house wallpaper has already been painted, so I also painted the walls of my neighbor's house.

So my mom always went to catch me. Like Tom and Jerry.

Thank You Minji. We are all so happy to know you just a little better.

I saved the gold for ll of you till the end. Jeez this photo. It’s just magic.

Everything i know about DCON so far.

bwana spoons

that’s the one I wanted. this cockroach is what i got:)

I will be at DCON with bells on. Ahaheim Convention Center. November 12-13 for me:)

It is 3 days after my birthday. There’s been a couple times when DCON was actually on my birthday.

My Booth is number 344. In the Creature Bazaar Pavilion. Alongside my own goodies I’ll have releases from Apos Toys, Grumbletoy, and Rampage Toys. Saturday at noon, Martin Ontiveros will also be joining me IN PERSON.

Sunday. I won’t be there.

Here’s to good times. Tonight is kinda special.

Whether we get 13 people or 30 thousand peoples at this thing, I’m bringing my A game.

Here’s wha t got going on, slash, think i can finish in time. Sunshine Orange releases- Randall, Terry, Hooligan, Gilly, Globby, and Morel Snacks. Painted runs on neon orangeblast glow.

Festivus For Therestuvus- Mini blindbags that will include Little Chonk Killer, Globby, and Randall, Banorah, Peanut Killer, and Gloopy Globby. Look for the big cardboard Killer with the gaping mouth. This will be the very first release of Banorah, and Gloopy Globby the lil slippery guy.

New tees and crew as seen on HERE. Monster eyeball patches, maybe new bloodshot and monster eye pins, the new Still Life zine, a nice stack of the new Chibi Krackle & Klong, and friends one-offs, and a free tote with purchase of a hunnerd bucks.

What am i forgetting? Hmmmm… have fun, try not to loose my voice. I’m probably not going to hug you this year. I’m super looking forward to seeing you.

It’s just 13 days away.

Oh yeah. i had these little holographic commemorative stickers for you.

Trashcan inching ever so closer

bwana spoons

Here’s a work in progress shot of the new Trashcan sculpt. Looking pretty darn good. This is an altered photo to show my sculptor some revisions that I need made. We are getting closer.

I love that Trashcan has such a different silhouette than many of my other figures, yet she is still bipedal, still has two eyes, and toes:)

What's Happenin' at grass hut

bwana spoons

Jon says take it slow and steady

Jon says take it slow and steady

2021 has been a slow year for artshows and releases at grass hut. The last artshow was November 2020 I think. It was Wally Catton, who had a really beautiful display of his comics for Forest Island Gazette. Then… They just stayed on the wall thru march or April of this year. When I hung up a nice cluster of my own work, kinda thinking that would be the start of new action, but things were slow to change, and now that display of my own work is still up.

Well things are finally moving at the brick and mortar space here. We have a full line up of releases and artshows for you and me to look at and give new homes to. For now, no opening receptions. If it’s vinyl based art and releases, locals will get a few days to snatch, before an online release. If it’s 2D art, locals will get first dibs, then art will go online, but everything will be displayed for the full month.

Here’s what we have lined up so far.

End of September- Science Patrol Dogu release.

October - Barely Human Planetoid Combat release.

November - Club Babo/MINJI show

December - Skulltoys x Bwana Spoons releases

January - take it easy man. Let’s not get too carried away.

February - Tim Root show

March - The third not annual Apos Toys * SQD BLSTR * Science Patrol show.

April - Martha Rich show.

May - Matt Gordon show.

Wow. Every one of these showings and or releases, whatever we want to call them. Fills me with gleee. I can’t wait. I hope you can’t too:)

Trashcan mini odyssey thus far.

bwana spoons

Hey! Um… where is Trashcan?

I worked on Trashcan off and on for the last year and a half. After sculpting his arms three times I was finally happy with him. I decided to do the wax and joints all myself, and for this first time felt pretty good about the joints. Trashcan was looking fine. So I sent him off to Japan where TC would get his metal mold made, and then walaaa, we have Trashcan beened borned. But his arm broke in shipping, really just the joint and arm broke apart, but it was a silly delay. The the real magic happened. As it turns out I used the wrong wax for the joints… they wouldn’t melt, and it turned the whole thing into a metal and wax covered mess. The sculpt is destroyed in the process, and back at home, cleaning one day… I accidentally through the sillicone out. usually i save my sillicone to be cut up later and reused in bigger molds, but I was in a mood, and so… that’s gone too. I did so much work in the wax stage, it felt pointless and too painful to resculpt again.

so now… he’s in the hands of a professional. Naoya Ikeda is sculpting Trashcan. So it will be longer before we see him, but he’ll be here. See you in twenty twenty two.

What is Trashcan. TC was born in the dump, made from a pile of garbage and broken hearts. Is he born of sadness, and discarded fish and banana peels? Yes. Can he find love and friendship with the creatures he meets? Maybe. Will he try to eat them? Hmmmm.

What is Trashcan. TC was born in the dump, made from a pile of garbage and broken hearts. Is he born of sadness, and discarded fish and banana peels? Yes. Can he find love and friendship with the creatures he meets? Maybe. Will he try to eat them? Hmmmm.

Prenute and Summer Slime bits Friday August 13th

bwana spoons


I’ll have a nice load of Sumemr Slime bits for you guys up this Friday. 10am pacific. Some runs, and one offs from the show. AND a brand new Prenute! Neon opaque pink.

In other magical news. Next weekend is the opening of my show with Grumbletoy and Rampage at Spectra Art Space in Denver Colorado.

Summer Slime pile up!

bwana spoons


Summer Slime is almost here. I’ll be down in Sunny Southern California for my first in person (and outdoors) event in almost 2 years. I thing the last was DCON November 2019, so… a solid year and a half. Along with this rainbow bucket of barf pictured above. I’ll have some small and medium sized runs of Little Chonks, Peanut Killer, Morel Snacks, and Pajamas Globby. I’m looking forward to seeing a few of my favorite peoples, and playing with toys for the next week. For more info you can visit the Creature Bazaar site.


Chibi Krackle & Klong! Friday 10am pacific

bwana spoons

krackle and klong parts.jpg

Why a new Krackle & Klong? What's this all about?

This is all about going with my gut. Over the past couple of years I've had the opportunity to reunite with my old Gargamel sculpting pal Naoya Ikeda. I love his sculpting style, and his way around what works, and how to do an object in Soft vinyl is only outdone by his older brother, and sculpting master Kiyoka Ikeda. Naoya's time is precious, and his sculpting prowess is not cheap. So when I ask him to do a new sculpt. It always comes with a little weight... what to do next? This time I drew full turn arounds for two different characters. Both ones I really love, but I just couldn't bring myself to send off the ideas to him. My gut was telling me something different. My gut was saying Krackle & Klong! the second I made that decision, I immediately got to work on the drawings. I got that… happiness heart may explode in a good way feeling. I finished the drawings, and sent them off.

I really love Krackle & Klong. A two headed turtle volcano!?! At the time I made him, for years I just wanted to make that one huge statement piece. It actually took me a couple years of working on him off and on, refining the design. I had actually made a few paintings of what would become K&K over a decade ago.

K&K side by side.jpg

Now. I want to update that design, and make a K&K that is WAY less of a shelf hog. easier to ship, and easier on the digital pocket book. Holy hell don't get me started on what some folks want to charge for a tiny 2 piece vinyl toy. It hurts my brain.

This new version will be just big enough to squeeze one of your favorite buddies in thru the top. AND by having the vinyl pulled from the top, we are able to get this beast pulled with just three parts! I think this is Chibi K&K.

There will be 5 options this Friday. Which will look something like this-

Just the print. “I just really like the art, or want to throw some support for your new Chibi K&K.” 10x10" size

Blank Chibi K&K in Neon Green

Painted Chibi K&K with mini 6x6" print

Painted "The Whole Gang" with mini print, and "Secret" new painted one piece toy (A fingah puppet).

And the original will be up for sale too.

Prices and color. Neon Green will be the base color for this first run, and “The Whole Gang” option. I think this first run will be $64 for blanks. More for painted. I’m not sure if on future runs the price will go up or down. this is just the best i can come up with, without a bill in my hand. I’m pretty good at pricing things too low, so most likely this price will go up for future releases.

Time frame. My guess is earliest November, or latest February???

The sculpt is done, but Naoya still needs to do the wax, where there will be a little clean up, and final details like more Krackling on Krackle:) Then send it off to get the metal molds made.


Who are Krackle & Klong. Kraackle is a tough guy. Always ready to snap first, ask questions later. he’s really a soft mushy sensitive Krackle on the inside. I think it’s cause he’s sooo sensitive that makes him snap so easily. i guess growing a tougher skin doesn’t always help. Klong is a mellow dude up for anything. Going to a party, he’s in. Need a wingman on your first date, klong is game. Just want to sit by the campfire and read comics all night? Yes, Klong is your Turtle. These guys are content roaming around destroying local vegetation, or shooting a few hot rocks out of their shell. They also make for good transportation, and it’s best to have yours trained by a professional. Private Hooligan- Professional Krackle & Klong Trainer. Better to have a pro do it, than get shot into the stratosphere fro ma volcano, or snapped at by a sensitive turt.

A Killer Day

bwana spoons

Friday 10am Pacific in the webshoppe. I’ll have two sah wheet New Puppy Killers up for adoption. Trans Aloe Green, and opaque Lemon Yellow.. Yellow Killer has a slight Hawaii colorway going on. While Aloe is keeping it cool:)

Friday 10am Pacific in the webshoppe. I’ll have two sah wheet New Puppy Killers up for adoption. Trans Aloe Green, and opaque Lemon Yellow.. Yellow Killer has a slight Hawaii colorway going on. While Aloe is keeping it cool:)


Let's Go To Boba House Game

bwana spoons

This is the official comment thread. After you get your game, and play a few times. Let me know here what you think can be improved for a 2.0 version. You are my test crew.

bobahouse03 web.jpg

Right now after a few run throughs with my family. We have already decided on a few ways to improve this beast. It’s currently purely a game of luck, so we want to build a little strategy into this. Every space will have an action. Probably activated by a small deck of cards. Push up challenge will have an alternate non ableist challenge. You can make up your own, as long as you do it before the game starts.

2.0 will have a box, sturdier board, maybe a vinyl game pieces, and some sorta task cards. Me thinks.

Game pieces to cut out. The beta version comes with some little stands for your pieces.

Game pieces to cut out. The beta version comes with some little stands for your pieces.

Thanks for playing. Hope you had fun.